Two legendary characters from the 1986 Transformers animated film, Hot Rod and Springer, team up in the Energon Universe for exclusive variant covers at this year's San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC), so get ready for a blast from the past. Designed by Ryan Barry, these intriguing covers for Transformers #10 and Void Rivals #11 link covers with a fierce confrontation between Autobots and Decepticons.
As the Energon Universe keeps growing and combining cherished characters from many eras of Transformers mythology, fans are in for a treat. Renowned actors from the 1986 movie, Hot Rod and Springer, are likely to be central players in the next tales within the Energon Universe. Recently debuted in Void Rivals, Springer—the Triple-Changer—is helping the heroes, Darak and Solila. Hot Rod, who was looking for an old friend in the FCBD Energon Universe Special, is scheduled to carry on his trip in Void Rivals. The way these two Autobots look together on Barry's SDCC variant suggests hints of an interesting team-up right ahead.
Shockwave and Soundwave grace the panels on the variant covers, thus the Decepticons also show rather strong presence. Shockwave has been creating a portal linking Cybertron with Earth, so turning the pot in the Energon Universe. His arrival has caused a significant change that has resulted in a clear blow against Optimus Prime and the Autobots and finally brings Cybertron itself to Earth to grab its Energon supplies. Another level of complexity is added by including Soundwave, the calculating Decepticon lately appointed as the de facto leader of the Transformers' opponent faction. These connecting covers imply that Shockwave's aspirations might not fit his new leader, so creating interesting power conflicts and dramatic strife in next Energon Universe narratives.
Including these four legendary characters on the SDCC variant generates buzz among fans, especially those devoted to the Energon Universe. The Energon Universe's linked stories are gathering steam fast, and the second year looks to be even more exciting. The Energon Universe is approaching a possible crossover event whereby all of its titles could be united once Megatron escapes. Fans can expect a gripping and action-packed trip that will keep them on the tip of their seats as these linked tales develop. Ryan Barry's amazing variant covers are evidence of the vivid and exciting future of Transformers comics as the Energon Universe keeps gathering momentum.