One of the biggest parts of what makes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so well-known are the Ninja Turtle weapons they use. Discover their fascinating story.
One common question: Where do the TMNT weapons come from? Fans will love finding the answers to this. You might even come across some very detailed TMNT fan theories!
In the very early comics for the franchise, things were a bit different. In the classic TMNT first mission, Leonardo weapons, as well as Donatello weapons, were the same. But for Raphael weapons and Michelangelo weapons things were a bit different, showing off some of the awesome variation!
The TMNT used some pretty different weapons. Michelangelo originally used the manriki-gusari (a weighted chain), while Raphael fought with a tonfa.
It was mostly a practical choice. As the Ninja Turtles continued to evolve, they ended up selecting weapons they found they liked. The explanation could stem from TMNT weapon choices that were related to character and fighting style. Or it could be that, as part of TMNT weapon evolution, they just preferred the more recognizable designs we all love.
Every Ninja Turtles fan has their favorites. There's no single answer. There are lots of discussions about which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles weapon choices, from Leonardo's katanas to Michelangelo's nunchaku.
If you want a deeper dive, read TMNT comic books to discover how these four awesome ninja turtles came about. These tales even explain Ninja Turtle weapon origins! Keep in mind that the movie and TMNT weapon changes have differed somewhat from the TMNT origin story.