Movies News Talk

The Walking Dead's Playboy Controversy: Genius Marketing or PR Nightmare?

The Walking Dead universe is HUGE, spawning comics, TV shows, video games – the works! But even a massive franchise like this isn't immune to controversy. Remember that time Robert Kirkman, the mastermind behind it all, put a Michonne story in Playboy? Yeah, that caused a ruckus.

The Playboy Controversy

Back in 2012, right after Michonne hit the TV screens in season two of the show, Kirkman decided to do something... bold. Instead of sticking her origin story in the main comic, he dropped a six-page tale EXCLUSIVELY in Playboy's April 2012 issue. This got a LOT of fans up in arms, calling him out for, well, putting a story about one of their beloved characters in a magazine like that. The re-printing of the fan letters in The Walking Dead Deluxe #97 is super revealing about those responses!

Also Read: The Walking Dead: Why the US-Only Zombie Apocalypse? Robert Kirkman Explains

Kirkman's Defense

Michonne with her zombie bodyguards in the Walking Dead Image

In the reprinted letters section, Kirkman didn't exactly apologize for his decision to put the story in Playboy, he said he was simply playing the game to gain some audience attention! That's some seriously audacious business there!

Kirkman laid it out plain and simple: it was a “STUNT.” A calculated move designed to entice readers into getting a comic- especially one from Kirkman - or at least into becoming fans who appreciate this amazing form of entertainment!

  • His plan worked pretty slickly!
  • He basically leveraged the massive viewership of the show to promote his comics!
  • It was super risky and possibly offensive to certain audiences, yet he still pulled it off!
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Was It a Good Stunt?

Walking Dead Michonne Image

Was this a successful maneuver? According to Kirkman, absolutely! He made it clear that his primary goal wasn't to shock, or be outrageous (even though it totally got reactions!) - it was pure marketing genius! To expand the brand's readership and help comics to reach more eyes. By bringing The Walking Dead comic books to fans who already loved the television show he added extra readers to the series.

Kirkman argued that even just getting one new, lifelong comic book reader out of it all would justify his gamble and he believed that bringing more people to appreciate Comics, would pay dividends far into the future. But regardless of your opinions, even many die-hard fans wouldn’t really debate the fact he was smart in making a series many more could get into. Even more so, this really got into the community.

Also Read: The Walking Dead: Robert Kirkman Admits He Overused One Trope (But It Makes Sense)

The Lasting Impact

Collage of Michonne, Rick and another from the Walking Dead Image

Ultimately, Kirkman's “stunt” sparked huge debate among fans, and also probably made The Walking Dead comic books even more well known. Even though many fans didn't exactly approve of Kirkman using Playboy, many also acknowledge that his approach created a more substantial reader base who now have even more comics to discover! Regardless of this choice the success of this bold business decision should also highlight the dedication of Robert Kirkman. There might be no more perfect representation of marketing with this bold strategy!

Even with the years gone by. There has been nothing like it. His approach was a gamble for sure, it ultimately may have increased the overall recognition that The Walking Dead universe received across a whole range of viewers, which only solidified it's presence and ensured it remains in the history of comics as well as the most iconic stories! Even more importantly! Kirkman's risk paid off well. His marketing approach demonstrates that being memorable, getting into mainstream awareness is something every comic should aim for.

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