The iconic antagonists known as The Saviors, from the Walking Dead Series, who have been led by Negan, played an influential role - a part of that dark, sometimes violent and, in other instances, humor-laced world of Robert Kirkman’s Walking Dead. While those who follow this story know Negan's impact - including how those characters come to make decisions that ultimately affect the lives of those that live within The Walking Dead Universe, it appears that, as Robert Kirkman (who often has revealed how those events within the Walking Dead Story often take shape - including those major plotlines) revealed: The group's original name - The Saviors, almost got a completely different - less intimidating name.
According to Robert Kirkman's commentary in a more recent, re-released edition, The Walking Dead Deluxe, Kirkman - as a writer and artist - initially decided to refer to this group as "The Bad Group," however, the writer has shared his thoughts - how it "did have a nice ring to it" (which appears as if he had given the idea a good bit of thought), though it eventually didn’t seem to have the weight that The Saviors have been given.
While Negan, often seen as Negan The Walking Dead, had the ability to shape this group and even turn it into his powerful, intimidating forces. Those who enjoyed The Walking Dead franchise may be interested in how the name came into being.
The Saviors, have earned the respect (even though that’s often laced with fear) of all of those characters and viewers that are captivated by The Walking Dead. A name that’s both daunting - it’s one that can easily instill a feeling of uncertain danger - especially given their penchant for ruthlessness and how Negan uses this to inspire both dread and loyalty within the world of the Walking Dead, this is why the original name "The Bad Group," was never intended to be a permanent title. While those fans have appreciated Robert Kirkman’s ability to consistently deliver an intriguing narrative with memorable events, such as those around Negan's Saviors and the key role they played in altering The Walking Dead's Tone - there were also a few shifts in how the story went and those characters had the capacity to move - some toward redemption. The author (who also provided insight into the characters) seemed to know that these key decisions had to be thought through as he has aimed to craft the right balance.
Negan, a key antagonist for the Walking Dead Franchise, serves as an iconic force, and has gained a strong fanbase, one that often includes those who follow the show (The Walking Dead TV Show), which often mirrors, and expands upon, the comics. The character made his way into the universe during a period when the Walking Dead story took on a new set of events, even with those major story arc twists - he played a part.
Robert Kirkman, one of the co-creators, made it clear - he had developed a vision - the characters would emerge in order to create the sense of danger as those involved with the storyline struggled to find their place - especially in that chaotic world. It's a universe where characters, in an effort to find survival in an otherwise terrifying world, often turn to one another for help.
Negan is often considered one of the most recognizable antagonists of The Walking Dead, especially within its comics and its television series. Negan is also regarded as a fan favorite - those who watch The Walking Dead. Even with his darker side and ruthless acts (he serves as one of the Walking Dead villains), those following this Walking Dead universe often wonder why Negan has been a popular character.
Negan’s success can likely be attributed to a unique, albeit unconventional persona that is often contrasted with how most other characters are seen as Walking Dead Antagonists. In the world of The Walking Dead he is one of the Walking Dead Characters who serves as a force that cannot easily be ignored - and while his power over The Walking Dead Universe (which also includes The Walking Dead Comics), does allow those that enjoy this universe - to appreciate those characters who continue to move through the chaos and find their own ways to navigate this difficult universe. It's easy to see how Negan The Walking Dead is regarded as an interesting force with his charisma and even, sometimes slight humor, that often is presented in a more "unhinged" style. Even though he is a key antagonist, it's a persona that is highly alluring and engaging to watch.
As one of the most pivotal groups in The Walking Dead universe - fans should understand their origins. The Saviors had been seen in earlier editions - with the intention to establish their world.
The main elements to consider in this world's history were Negan and how he established his leadership. The group's origin stories were also pivotal to their place. It involved the period when The Walking Dead Story first showed Negan and his emergence - and as they gathered a force, creating an army that came to be known as Negan's People. This provided an intense contrast with the existing group known as the Saviors Name who had, to a great degree, fallen into disarray and disrepair, which also highlighted how those Walking Dead Villains (the The Walking Dead Characters often had to face these forces) had an impact and were given a redemption arc in the storyline, which helped change the universe and how characters interacted, allowing fans of The Walking Dead to better appreciate the storyline and see how Negan's rise to power came to take shape and become a significant force to be reckoned with.
The Saviors have not been the only antagonists - Those fans who follow The Walking Dead Universe, understand there are other important groups - one that played a key part, known as the The Bad Group Name, however, it seems they have long faded from the storyline - one of the earliest iterations of The Walking Dead that showed the challenges facing those characters, those that could be easily categorized as Walking Dead Villains and had to overcome those forces to survive and build a community.
It's been through the The Walking Dead Series (which has received much praise), as it's adapted those comics and served as a way to create a broader and more intense storyline. We have discovered a new approach to storytelling, often emphasizing how a variety of challenges continue to take place as a world in turmoil has given the characters more opportunities to find their redemption arcs. The Saviors in an interesting twist are also not the only key group that was recognized by fans for having a big influence on how characters evolved throughout this story, however, it was their leader who helped set a new course - one that would define those stories and serve as a core piece to the overall Walking Dead History.