The Lab Coat of Spider-Man Indicates His Greatest Strength Is Intellect

Although Spider-Man is most known for his tremendous physical ability, his strongest suit has always been his sharp scientific mind. Not only has it let a teenage Peter Parker create clever scientific discoveries like his trademark web-fluid or his miniature spider-tracers on a budget that could hardly qualify as a fraction of the size afforded to his fellow geniuses like Reed Richards or Iron Man, but it also allowed him to use his powers in astonishing ways since he first became a Friendly Neighborhood Wallcrawler.

Pete obviously isn't going to include this coat into his regular wardrobe anytime soon, but it's still a wardrobe item with some major possibilities. Should Spider-Man decide to embrace his heritage more completely, he has many options for include a red and blue scientist's coat – maybe with built-in web gliders and secret chambers for all kinds of spider equipment. Though Peter Parker used to be married to a supermodel, so there's no question he knows a thing or two about fashion over function. It might interfere with his web-swinging here and there.

The outstanding mind of Spider-Man defines his history.

The intelligence of Spider-Man has always been his strongest suit; a scientist's lab coat over his classic superhero outfit is a clever homage to the scholarly background that made him the hero he is today. Although a cloak might not be the most useful outfit for an acrobatic arachnid, Peter Parker looks more than he probably even knows. He will most likely have to start dressing as Doc Spider-Man, though, if this more experimental ensemble starts to show up often.

Marvel Comics currently have Spider-Boy #8 on sale.

The New Costume Detail for Spider-Man at Last Recognizes His Intelligence Level

Though Spider-Man has worn some of the most dramatic and famous costumes in Marvel Comics history across decades of storytelling, the most significant quality of the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man's ensemble is his scientific background. Peter Parker has a different Spider-suit for every occasion, from his otherworldly Captain Universe clothes to his famous red-and-blue Webslinger outfit. Now, his wardrobe consists of a lab coat.

Written by Dan Slott and featuring artwork by Jason Loo, Spider-Boy #8 sees Spider-Man teaming up with his titular former sidekick to return mutant Humanimals to human form. Peter undoes their descent using his years of experience with man/animal hybrids like the Lizard – and even himself back when he changed into a big spider – so changing his own famous appearance. Parker's outfit consists of a white lab coat, a playful allusion to the situation of the issue, and his scientific knowledge while sporting his classic Spider-Man costume. But this outfit modification suits Spider-Man more than he probably knows.

From classic red and blue to lab coat, Spider-Man Costume Evolution

Several people who have used a spider-moniker throughout Marvel Comics are known as Spider-Man. Usually acquiring their powers from a bite of a radioactive spider, the several Spider-Man heroes use webbing to swing and tangle their enemies using super-strength, agility, and intelligence. Among these Spider-Men, Peter Parker is the most well-known and still among the most often used superheroes worldwide.

Over his lengthy and legendary existence, Spider-Man has had several costume modifications. From his black symbiote outfit to his more contemporary tech-infused costumes, Spider-Man's clothing has mirrored his development as a hero from his original red and blue suit. Adding a lab coat to his most recent outfit pays homage to his scientific ability and his ongoing heritage as a hero whose strongest suit is his mind.

Intelligence Level: Genius Hero for Spider-Man

Though his genius-level intelligence has always been his strongest suit, Spider-Man is quite strong; he has just lately released this strength on his enemies. Since his debut Marvel Comics appearance, one defining quality of Spider-Man has been his intelligence. Peter Parker's keen sense of humor and technical acumen have helped him to outsmart his rivals and create creative answers to difficult issues.

For Spider-Man to be successful as a superhero, his intelligence has been absolutely vital. Always one step ahead of his rivals, he can use his scientific background to develop fresh devices and enhance his current technologies. With his fast thinking and problem-solving skills, he can also create complex strategies and outmaneuver his enemies. The intelligence of Spider-Man is evidence of his relentless resolve to apply his skills for good and his will to safeguard people in need.