Get ready for the latest Flash adventure! A terrifying new threat is causing chaos in the DC Comics universe! This story features the incredible powers of The Flash Family and brings the world's fastest heroes together to tackle an outlandish and dangerous threat.
The latest issue of The Flash has revealed a fascinating dynamic. While The Flash Family, especially Wally West and The Flash, have an enormous amount of speed-related skills, the power to get back to Wally rests in a metaphysical-minded speedster.
In a daring and dangerous act, Wally West travelled through the Speed Force with the Arc Angles and Crown of Thawnes. While the object is lost in time and ready to wreck havoc on the world, Wally is left behind in a strange reality. He was almost lost forever if it weren't for the timely intervention of the other Flash Family members! Fans can catch this storyline in The Flash #12 by Simon Spurrier and The Flash #12 by Ramón Pérez.
When the Flash Family members tried to save Wally, the Speed Force had pulled Wally to a strange location in the "highest vibrations of reality". This is why Max Mercury, who can use his powers in unique ways, is so critical to the storyline. His Unique Speed Force Power will allow him to help Wally's children and the Flash Family.
Max Mercury's powers stem from a mystical understanding of the Speed Force, giving him an unconventional advantage. The Flash and other Flash Family members focus on their speed, while Max uses his zen mindset, allowing him to access the Speed Force highest point.
In the current issue of The Flash, the Arc Angles are wreaking havoc in a bid to destroy the timeline! It seems the only way to stop the Arc Angles and the Crown of Thawnes is to rely on The Flash Family Max Mercury to save the Flash and rescue Wally West. This DC Most Underrated Speedster could turn out to be the world's greatest hope!
The Flash #12, by DC Comics, hits shelves on August 28th. You'll be able to catch up on Max Mercury and what else is unfolding. In addition to news about the Flash's current struggles, you might even discover what Max Mercury Unconventional Ways of navigating the Speed Force.