In the world of DC Comics, The Flash's rogues' gallery are iconic. The Flash, has an extraordinary and memorable rivalry with Mirror Master, but with recent events in the new issue of The Flash comic book, the villain may have met a horrifying end!
This shocking moment is a part of an even bigger showdown in The Flash #12! The Flash is facing off against an unprecedented threat - the Arc Angles! When things become worse, The Flash family makes a last ditch effort to escape, but Mirror Master finds himself unable to outrun these powerful villains.
The classic version of this iconic villain is Mirror Master (Sam Scudder). His first appearance came in The Flash (1940 #105) and has since played a part in the most beloved The Flash stories and The Flash comic book! However, fans also knew him for his amazing ability to warp reality!
Evan McCulloch is the most famous version of this fan favorite supervillain, appearing in Animal Man #8. This iteration of Mirror Master, is well known for his distinctive Scottish accent and a talent for manipulating mirror technology! It would appear, however, that Mirror Master may no longer have that advantage!
In The Flash #12, Mirror Master was completely eradicated from the DC universe. No one, including The Flash himself, remembers him, even after Mirror Master appeared in The Flash #800. Even for a supervillain, it's a shocking fate. It may make one wonder about the true nature of this villain's potential for comic book immortality!
It is still very possible that Mirror Master could be brought back into the DC universe, perhaps through a big storyline involving The Flash! Keep in mind that Mirror Master had been erased from reality before, thanks to the "Flashpoint" event, and was even reintroduced. It may not be too late for his return!
Head to DC Comics to discover more about this exciting series. You can also check The Flash #12 at comic book stores and on digital platforms. Keep your eyes peeled, as it will bring shocking new storylines involving the Justice League!