The Far Side is often considered a unique, but at times, perplexing comic strip which is characterized by its often unconventional style - with many panels offering strange, confusing punchlines that can leave readers questioning just what the author is attempting to convey. It is also worth noting that many panels in The Far Side include an array of obscure elements, as Gary Larson often takes inspiration from several unique themes, including animals, cowboys and dinosaurs - even touching on a multitude of scientific and societal themes.
Fans of The Far Side Comic Strip will also find those same panels which feature animals - and even offer a dark kind of humor. Even if the overall content may seem a bit bizarre, a careful examination reveals just how much these panels do play on several distinct tropes (Far Side Tropes) that make this Comic Strip so unique.
Gary Larson (the author of The Far Side Comic Strip) often had a very distinctive approach to creating those comedic panels. While his style is often noted for its "out of the box thinking" as he created some of those panels that many might call absurd, those who were drawn to this series also found it to have a unique kind of appeal as the characters would be in those fantastical situations.
While the overall genre for this comic strip might be described as satire and obscured humor which often required readers to put in effort - thinking critically to figure out what's truly humorous - he often introduced a strong sense of darkness or a dark, twisted comedic sense - particularly when those characters would often face some of the most absurd situations imaginable. This makes those characters, themes, and panels all more endearing as they're meant to be somewhat disarming or perplexing, challenging a reader’s ability to fully grasp or enjoy those Far Side Jokes. It seems that a large majority of his readers were more than prepared to accept those challenges - which in turn, helped establish this as one of the most prominent Comic Strips ever.
The Far Side is a very well-known comic strip that features several different themes. The most common, especially among Far Side Comic Strips, are those animals. Larson uses a variety of unique illustrations and those comedic stories - that are also meant to make people think critically about those interactions with these creatures and the overall relationship. This can even take on an amusing spin where he's making an observation on how people react to society.
Although it is a comic strip, it also offers some of those themes that are often described as being dark or even unsettling in a darkly comedic sense, often presenting situations that make readers question if those elements are funny or disturbing. In a sense, those panels bring a new level to satire as they showcase Obscure Humor, challenging those expectations or those common ideas that people typically accept when it comes to humor.
Gary Larson was known as the author and creator of The Far Side for several years - producing an extensive catalog. Although his comics had a significant impact across several generations - his style was noted for those strange moments of satire as he often challenged the conventions and ideas. This led to an extensive list of Far Side collections which often sold out rapidly as they were re-released.
However, Gary Larson decided to end his run as a cartoonist in 1995, as many felt that he may have been concerned that he had reached the peak of his creative process and could only repeat the same elements and stories from his earlier series, those same panels that would later be praised and collected - those Far Side Collections - but, he seemingly wanted to explore different creative outlets, making his decisions in part to step away, though it was a very welcomed move for those interested in The Far Side.
The "High Tide/Low Tide" joke appears in the Far Side Series, one of Larson's iconic moments as he presents two people stuck on a rock - and a panel where it shows them clinging for life in a comedic, ironic scene - the humor revolves around the two surviving a disastrous plane crash.
The overall panel was considered to be one of those panels that were less effective as it was a bit obscure. But as Larson explained the joke it gave those who had been confused or unsure - the punchline's purpose - showing how a reader’s role plays a part in the joke (often when people are viewing those panels, they miss those "obvious" points) which could easily transform the panel's meaning - those same panels that could be enjoyed across several Far Side Collections. This serves as a lesson to always try to understand the panels and not take those "dark comedic" moments for granted.
Those fans that enjoy The Far Side often take note of how this series can sometimes seem to make an unusual type of humor, often blending an unusual array of themes (often with the intent to make those who enjoy satire feel challenged as the humor could seem odd, unusual, and in a sense, almost twisted). Some people feel it's not truly funny.
There are many factors behind this - such as Larson's approach and the intent he put behind every Far Side panel. A keen understanding can often take place when readers are able to look at a panel and consider just what a reader has brought to it and the ideas that he is conveying. As with any art or creation - the more an individual is prepared to examine it - the better chance that person has of understanding and fully appreciating it - making Gary Larson’s work a remarkable achievement for comic strips. This is especially relevant when considering how a lot of fans consider The Far Side to be an iconic achievement of the comic strip and how those readers may appreciate its darker humor, even as they are surprised by its impact.
While Gary Larson decided to retire in 1995. He left behind an impressive amount of Far Side Comic Strips that were collected, praised, and made him one of the most iconic names in The Far Side history. This is often noted in The Far Side explanation of why he became so popular - often with several factors contributing to its success.
Those fans, including those that enjoy those same comic strips often have those favorite panels and are also attracted to how Gary Larson used a blend of style - blending animals, cowboys, and even those absurd elements of society to create those darkly comedic moments, showcasing the breadth of his Humor of The Far Side , the type of humor that’s a rare, entertaining gem and continues to resonate. While a large portion of this series is filled with a bizarre mix of darkness and light, a large collection - even a few that have received major popularity: such as the collection "The Complete Far Side Volume Two". In many ways, Gary Larson’s creative ability continues to inspire those who were interested in satire, those who enjoyed exploring those ideas. It even created a sense of fandom that’s remained through the years.