Among all the Marvel Universe, the Enchantress is among the most hated entities thanks to her sorcery. Emphasizing charms and hypnotism, Amora can use a single spell or an enchanted kiss to call all entities to her bidding. Her magical power matches that of Loki, Thor's adopted brother and most well-known adversary. Enchantress, an Asgardian, can live for several millennia and has spent her long lifetime to pick every magic spell available. Her beauty and mystic strength have over the years helped her to gather a sizable following from people, aliens, and mystical creatures from far-off worlds.
To destroy Thor, the Enchantress created fragile alliances with Loki and Baron Zemo. Enchantress, a founding member of Zemo's Masters of Evil, was a part of the first-ever supervillain squad confronting the original Avengers. Enchantress has also run afoul of other superheroes as Thor always manages to thwart her mind control and charms. Amora has fought the likes of Scarlet Witch and the X-Man Dazzler, who actually beat Enchantress in a singing/popularity contest, driving the witch to run in panic. The famous mantle of the captivating magician was so well-known that it was just a matter of time until it was handed on to another.
The trickster Loki saw opportunity in producing his own Enchantress he could manipulate as Amora's everlasting fame grew. Teenager Sylvie Lushton made her debut in Paul Cornell and Mark Brooks' 2009 Dark Reign: Young Avengers #1 Living in Oklahoma, she was a typical girl whose hometown accepted Asgard's displaced people. Sylvie was sure she was an Asgardian and the second coming of the Enchantress since Loki given her magical abilities covertly. Sylvie became a superhero serving the Young Avengers as a new Enchantress while Loki was tricking the girl to serve his world-conquering goals.
As the second Enchantress, Sylvie learns to harness her supernatural talents, making herself even powerful than her teammates. But given the past of the original Enchantress, the Young Avengers team is extremely dubious of her. Wiccan, a magic user and fellow teammate, helps Sylvie get the Young Avengers to trust her once more and eliminate their adversaries, the Dark Avengers. Unfortunately, the original Enchantress, who disapproved of some human appropriating her name and likeness, is banishing Sylvie into an unidentified land. But honestly, the cold-hearted Amora could’ve gained a lot from taking on Sylvie as an apprentice.
The story of the Enchantress comes before her, but the original Amora keeps a damaged heart secret. Enchantress is entitled to the throne of Asgard and beyond as Asgard's best magic user exiled from her house just like Loki. With Loki's assistance and a troll army, Amora is so strong she has conquered Asgard. But she is constantly silently searching for true acceptance and true love. Amora even developed feelings for Thor and led a quiet life until Odin deprived him of his heavenly authority. Though she yearns for power and all the better things in life, the Enchantress is so intriguing as a complex villainess because of her continuous yearning to be loved and appreciated.
Over thousands of years, The Enchantress, an all-powerful goddess and sorcerer who has been a plague and traitor of Asgard, has been among the biggest enemies Thor has encountered in his protracted existence. Still, this mystical mistress of chaos is more than what first greets the eye. Two separate ladies in Marvel Comics's primary canon have gone under the "Enchantress" appellation; this is how they came to be.
Amora, the first Enchantress, is an Asgardian focused in magic and all kinds of seduction techniques to reach her objectives. Debuting in 1964’s Journey into Mystery #103 by the legendary Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, the alluring and mischievous Enchantress was sent to Earth by Odin with Skurge the Executioner to seduce Thor and kill his love interest, Jane Foster.
Odin banishes The Enchantress and Skurge from Asgard and Amora chooses to make Thor's life on Earth a miserable misery after failing their goal. Enchantress comes back to Earth with Skurge and starts collaborating with other supervillains to eliminate Thor and rule over planet.
Joy of cosplay.Recreating the Enchantress's ideal Marvel 1602 redesign, the.carrion.bird has brought to life one of the series's legendary appearances.