A formidable danger to the DC Universe is Thaaros, the crafty and ambitious commander of the United Planets. He is actively attempting to rule the Emotional Spectrum and has maneuvered the Green Lantern Corps into his personal army.
Thaaros has much more in mind than just the Green Lantern Corps. He has an agreement with Earth's most formidable and vicious person, Amanda Waller, to capture Green Lantern. The magnitude of Thaaros's power and his capacity to sway even the most formidable characters in the DC Universe are demonstrated by this bargain.
Exasperated that the Green Lantern Corps was unable to capture Hal Jordan, Thaaros went to Amanda Waller for support. In exchange for being liberated from the United Planets' supervision, Waller granted Thaaros's request in an effort to increase his authority and influence over the metahuman population of Earth.
Aware of Waller's goals, Thaaros intimidated her with the extent of his authority. Disregarding her modest size, he pointed out to her that she is only a "small speck in the eye of the universe," showing how little he values her. Waller's goals pale in comparison to Thaaros's desire to rule the entire universe, making him a considerably more deadly and unpredictable foe.
The master manipulator Thaaros has taken control of the United Planets and the Green Lantern Corps through his role as Lord Premier. Through his schemes, other Central Power Batteries have been destroyed, undermining other Corps and consolidating his control over the Emotional Spectrum.
Thaaros is so crafty that he can use his own species to take the seats of the United Planets council members. This action guaranteed him total command over the group and cemented his status as the undeniable ruler of the Green Lantern Corps and the United Planets.
Amanda Waller is a serious threat because of her aspirations to manage the metahuman population on Earth. Her proposals are, however, more modest in scale than Thaaros's. Thaaros has tricked the Green Lantern Corps into becoming his personal army in his quest to dominate the Emotional Spectrum, a potent force that unites all life on Earth.
Waller is a strong opponent, but Thaaros poses a much bigger threat due to his immense influence and strength. His ambition and skill are seen in his capacity to control even the most powerful individuals, such as Waller. He wants to conquer the universe in the end, which will make him a nightmare for everyone who stands in his way.
The DC Universe's heroes will be occupied with Amanda Waller's actions during the Absolute Power event, but Thaaros's danger remains a significant concern. In order to establish his dominance over the cosmos, he will do whatever it takes, and his goals go far beyond Earth and its heroes.
The battle between Thaaros and Green Lantern is just getting started. He has demonstrated his capacity to control the Green Lantern Corps, and he won't think twice about using his influence to put an end to any dissent. Because of his goals and immense power, Thaaros is the next major enemy in the DC Universe, and the heroes of Earth must work together to stop him.