Storm's most recent power upgrade is her using solar energy to generate a large thunderstorm encircling herself. Nothing seen in either comic book or film adaptation of the X-Men could match this accomplishment. It lets her move freely in space and cosmicly alter the elements.
Earlier representations of Storm in films and comics have sometimes minimized her actual capacity. Although she has been shown to control weather, the new power upgrade shows her ability to greatly alter energy on a far more extensive level. This is a big change from previous depictions since it shows her as a really Omega-level mutant with ability to affect whole planetary systems.
The Omega-level classification denotes the highest level of mutant power, so indicating a person capable of cosmic influence of reality. Storm clearly shows her power to control forces outside of Earth's atmosphere by using solar energy and building a galactic-scale thunderstorm. This upholds her status as an Omega-level mutant with abilities outside traditional weather control.
The plot of "Fall of the House of X" #4 revolves mostly on Storm's power upgrade. Her capacity to generate a strong thunderstorm while approaching the sun marks a major progress in her strength, so preparing the ground for next events in the narrative. Her resurrection of Magneto from the dead also emphasizes her enormous force and impact inside the X-Men universe.
The X-Men's future is much changed by Storm's new power upgrade. She is a great help in the fight against dangers like the Krakoa invasion since she shows her ability to affect events globally. It also begs issues regarding the possible restrictions of her talents and the consequences of such strong forces in the X-Men universe.
Though it tried to show Storm's actual strength, the X-Men '97 series still limited her powers. Although Storm was portrayed in the show as a strong mutant, her actual Omega-level potential was not adequately represented. The show still showed her as essentially a weather manipulator, neglecting to highlight her power to affect celestial bodies like the sun.