Following the triumphant Battle of Endor and the Empire's downfall, the Star Wars franchise takes a dramatic shift as fans move forward to the New Republic's beginnings - in essence, a pivotal turning point within the Star Wars storyline that introduces a period where those loyal to the Rebellion become the galactic government, and those remnants of the Empire's power become a force that's determined to gain a stronghold and ultimately become a menacing threat.
There has been a series of stories (mainly told through Star Wars comics and Star Wars novels, which often have to expand on what is presented in film and television shows). Marvel Comics has served as a vital piece in telling how those moments - after Return of the Jedi - become relevant and engaging for those who are fans of the franchise.
Following the Battle of Endor and the death of Luke Skywalker's father (Darth Vader), there are many changes that are occurring. The Star Wars universe, has been forced to shift. With his path ahead, Luke Skywalker is no longer just the hero but, as a newly established Jedi Knight - has become instrumental to guiding how a new era of Star Wars will play out, and has taken a crucial role as he deals with the destruction and aftermath that took place during the Galactic Civil War.
There is even a key moment: Luke Skywalker is seen as he takes part in an important mission following the Battle of Endor, especially in the recently released Marvel Comics story “Republic Under Siege.” A critical aspect of the storyline - one that showcases a series of challenges for the Jedi Knight - especially given the threat that arises. Marvel Comics has become a vital component to how this Star Wars story is told.
The “Republic Under Siege” story is set to explore the initial post-Battle of Endor period in the Star Wars franchise, especially given how a newly established Republic will continue to find its footing and how this new era of Star Wars will develop.
In this story, we see Luke Skywalker as a pivotal Jedi in an era that’s filled with intrigue - with a galaxy that’s attempting to return to a sense of peace, but with several remnants of the Empire. It also highlights how Luke Skywalker (a major character) has a lot of challenges to overcome and has been given a crucial role in understanding just how the future for the Jedi Order will take shape.
With a long and illustrious Star Wars history - spanning from the original trilogy (Original Trilogy era), through to the prequels - and the newest additions such as The Force Awakens and even The Mandalorian, which were launched by Disney - a multitude of storylines and events occur within those moments.
A common question is whether this long era, particularly the time between Jedi and Force Awakens (approximately 30 years) - has received the level of detail and consideration it deserves - considering it serves as a key part of the Star Wars universe. It appears that this question has been addressed to a degree through the Disney-era Star Wars comics from Marvel Comics. While a large collection has expanded the stories beyond the events in the films, it's become more prevalent in the last decade, which serves as a vital part of those key narratives that appear in the Star Wars world.
The Battle of Jakku is one of the most consequential moments in Star Wars history - an event that marks the finality of the Galactic Civil War - one which takes place after Return of the Jedi - and a crucial event, as it signifies the end of the Empire, but it also establishes the formation of the New Republic.
Those who know the Star Wars universe , often find that it is important to recognize just how significant this battle is - the event in The Force Awakens . Luke Skywalker - who has a presence in this event - is meant to find a relic, but the real power that is contained within Battle of Jakku shows the first signs of the Empire returning to those who sought power and influence throughout the galaxy. It served as the first steps towards the emergence of the First Order.
With the Jedi Order nearly being extinguished - after those battles that took place during Return of the Jedi, a group was established to bring back the Jedi, often in a much more modest scale.
A core event of “The Battle of Jakku — Republic Under Siege,” which serves as a key component of the Star Wars comics, shows us how Luke Skywalker was seeking to establish that revived Jedi Order - which, in turn, sets the stage for events that will appear later in The Force Awakens.
In Star Wars, we have seen how the Jedi are an essential, important force within the galaxy. It has shaped how they stand as warriors who work to achieve peace, with an incredible bond and respect to the Force - it even gives them power over a galaxy - but a series of traumatic events had caused its near demise. It seemed like an era in which the Jedi had gone from a source of power and justice, to becoming something very scarce.
However, this has made the quest to rebuild, reinvigorate the Jedi Order - even more appealing as we move forward. One of the key themes is what could happen to the future, and Luke Skywalker has a lot at stake. The stories show how his journey (which is meant to bring back the Jedi Order and train a new group of individuals) might even become his downfall as the series moves toward its dark and chaotic turn. But, for those who are Star Wars fans, the story isn't over yet.