Following the terrible destruction of Alderaan, a planet devastated by the Death Star in the first Star Wars movie, the "Survivor Fleet" becomes a lighthouse of hope and defiance in a galaxy under Empire. Hidden and functioning independently, this covert section of the Rebellion Alliance reflects the tenacity and spirit of the Alderaanian people.
Dubbed "The Disaster" by survivors, the Empire's attack on Alderaan not only destroyed a peaceful planet but also started an unrelenting campaign of extermination against any Alderaanian refugees. The Empire's merciless enforcer, Darth Vader, issued a terrifying decree: all Alderaanian survivors had to be located and killed. This merciless directive underlined the Empire's aim for total annihilation, so exposing the vulnerability of the surviving Alderaanians.
Princess Leia Organa and Lieutenant Evaan Verlaine, fellow Alderaanians and Rebellion members, set off a dangerous mission to save surviving Alderaanians strewn over the galaxy against this horrifying backdrop. Their goal went beyond simple survival; it was a quest to preserve the legacy and culture of their homeworld, so ensuring that Alderaan would not be totally written off from the pages of galactic history.
As Leia and Evaan's efforts paid off, the "Survivor Fleet"—a secret haven for Alderaanians fleeing the Empire's grasp—was created. Running independently, the fleet kept a low profile to evade Imperial forces' notice. They stayed a secret benefit to the Rebellion, a reserve army ready to respond should the necessity develop. This latent power is evidence of the Alderaanian people's tenacity and unflinching dedication to oppose Empire rule.
Issue #48 of Marvel Comics' Star Wars series shows a dramatic turn for the Survivor Fleet. Now a major player in the Rebellion, Evaan Verlaine reports the fleet's unexplained disappearance, so augmenting the mystery and urgency of the continuous fight against the Empire. This discovery calls into doubt the safety and well-being of the surviving Alderaanians, so leaving their fate obscure.
Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa follow their hunt for the Survivor Fleet to an abandoned cruiser—the only ship left from the fleet. Inside they meet Jora Astane, the "Preserver," a committed person who has spent her life safeguarding Alderaanian history and culture. Although the Preserver gives some hope, her presence also points to a terrible fate for the remaining fleet. The danger is increased even more when a pirate fleet arrives attracted to the distress signal of the cruiser.
Though unknown, the fate of the Survivor Fleet reminds us of the unflinching attitude of the Alderaanian people. Inspired by their will to survive and their readiness to oppose Empire tyranny, the Rebellion finds motivation. They stand for the continuing force of hope and resistance even in the face of insurmount challenges. The narrative of the Survivor Fleet is evidence of the Alderaanians' resiliency and will to make sure their legacy will not be wiped off.