Is Keeve Trennis Rising Above The Authority of The Nameless?

Unwilling to let one of the baron's Nameless kill the quasi-reformed Lourna Dee, Keeve somehow found it within her to withstand the Nameless' paralyzing powers that may cause terrible, fear-filled hallucinations. Although the beast still had some effect on her, it is pretty amazing that Keeve could fight back. The problem does not, however, expose the source of Trennis's recently acquired resistance or whether other Jedi could likewise produce this same immunity.

Keeve has gone rogue and disobeyed the Jedi Council, hence it is quite reasonable that she has been allowing more emotional expression than most Jedi would. Thus, maybe deviating from the usual Jedi Path tenants will be the secret to resisting the Nameless. That might, however, easily turn into a slippery slope, one that probably allows more dark side temptation.

Star Wars Just Set Up a Continual Evolution of the Jedi's Powers

With the implication that the power of the Nameless can be defeated, Star Wars' continuous High Republic storyline could be gently hinting at a significant transition for the Jedi. Since some Shrii Ka Rai, also known as Nameless, are under the Nihil's control, mysterious predators that feed on energy-sensitives by draining their life energy have become a major hazard to the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. Jedi Master Keeve Trennis has advised, though, that there might be a method the Jedi could take the upper hand.

With a mission inside the Occlusion Zone, an area of space under Machion Ro and his Nihil marauders, Jedi Master Keeve Trennis and a crew of fellow Jedi have disobeyed the Council in Cavan Scott and Jim Towe's The High Republic #8. Keeve's squad has discovered far more than they could have expected, including a confrontation with the Nihil's Baron Boolan and his evil experiments, after looking to save Trennis's old master Skeer and additional Jedi who found themselves imprisoned behind enemy lines. But the problem ends with a somewhat unexpected action by Keeve herself.

Watching Star Wars: The Best Approach

How best should one see Star Wars? Here is all you need to know about viewing in release or chronology sequence and TV program inclusion.

The increasing popularity of the Star Wars universe is mirrored in the series' chronology. One can investigate the several narratives when new admirers are exposed to this world. The great film narrative starts here. Starting a trip to explore the galaxy, the tale of the Skywalker Saga—a fundamental narrative in the Star Wars universe—is the one best to follow.

For the Jedi of the High Republic, resisting the Nameless could be absolutely vital.

This possible new resistance to the Nameless via darker means also relates to the reason Keeve is most likely the same "Master Trennis" who is canonically referenced as one of the Lost Twenty, a collection of Jedi Masters over the years who opted to leave the Jedi Order (like Count Dooku). Seeing as how the creatures have been their main impediment to conquering the Nihil so far in the High Republic Era, finding a means of developing some type of immunity to the Nameless' power could prove to be too valuable for the Jedi Order to pass up.

Marvel Comics currently have Star Wars: The High Republic #8 on sale.

A startling action from Keeve

Keeve kills one of the Nameless with a well-placed lightsaber swing even though the baron has Nameless creatures at his disposal that he has modified with cybernetics. For a Force-sensitive Jedi, especially given the usual paralysis the Nameless can cause upon even the strongest Jedi, draining their life force until they're just a calcified, crumbling husk, this is quite the feat.

Eighth High Republic of Star Wars
