Movies News Talk

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - A Noble Attempt, But a Nostalgic Failure

>Star Trek V: A Noble Failure

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier – a movie that was released in June 1989, and, now it's being celebrated. Its 35th anniversary has made it one of the most talked about Star Trek Movies - that was an ambitious venture - a film that was created with good intentions but those goals weren’t fully achieved - it wasn’t as well received. The Movie has become a very popular subject, it has created some distinctive moments in that movie.

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A Failed Attempt At The Franchise

Leonard Nimoy as Spock, Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard, Chris Pine as Captain Kirk Image

William Shatner, an icon in entertainment - and he directed and starred in the movie which followed Leonard Nimoy who directed two movies before that Star Trek III: The Search for Spock a movie that brought together those well-known faces (the actors who played those characters) those movie goers were excited to see the story - Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. This film – it brought back those familiar faces - it’s also been considered one of the most successful in that franchise, as audiences were keen to find a film that would be able to carry on that success. It was also one that gave fans a little more of a look into what those characters would be doing and how they might progress with that story - the movie was seen as the beginning - for some, of a new generation of Star Trek – and also one that could lead to more adventures (with its characters and its storylines). That movie - that show helped give fans a different, approach – and those fans, they enjoyed those elements in the series - some of the most well-known characters of that universe.

But with Star Trek V, a movie that did face some challenges – some obstacles – those movie goers might discover - that film didn’t quite capture those key moments in the series - the series was given a change. There’s a sense that it didn’t go as planned, for the crew, those fans who love those shows, those classic shows – fans - they will want to discover those stories, for a reason - the film also did not quite take on the same tone – the movie is often described, with some interesting moments, which those moviegoers might also discover - one that’s different. But the most notable thing – it's a movie that has become one of the least successful films – and also it wasn't a very large budget (an important aspect, for a movie that might have had a much bigger budget. But the movie still managed to attract a lot of fans who could see it as an effort – with a lot of heart and passion behind those moments, it shows, its clear those movie fans, can see the series, a unique look. Star Trek V - one that was a noble attempt, it is often said to be one of the worst Star Trek movies. Those movie goers who were keen on finding that new type of movie - but this one – it was an interesting concept and it did show, an interesting side to those classic characters

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Shatner’s Unique Approach To The Star Trek Series

Sybok in Star Trek Strange New Worlds Image

William Shatner he directed - one of those stories - that did explore some interesting themes. It was an effort that did bring those key elements (that often feature in those types of shows - those classic series - the stories that explore a universe that is so full of possibilities that, give those fans - the opportunity to discover a new world), with that approach - he didn’t just want to replicate that show, but it was also inspired, by the stories from the TV show, that were also shown in that series.

Those moviegoers were able to enjoy the show’s key events - a story that’s been made possible – it’s also been considered a movie that’s aimed to bring those fans, something different - it’s one of those big, and sometimes outrageous, and a unique vision, the story. But at the same time, the movie did face challenges - it didn’t always hit the mark, with its visual effects or sometimes it just didn’t quite feel like those stories - that was so beloved by fans. He thought it might be an interesting effort to include those moments - those more thrilling scenes - something more action-packed. That’s a change that’s always going to make an impact.

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The Intrigue Of Star Trek V

Laurence Luckinbill as himself and as Sybok in Star Trek V Image

The story – its one of the more iconic stories in that series. Those fans will understand those elements of that universe, the actors that were part of the show - the stories that have given those moviegoers a sense of that world – but the film, a movie that was able to inspire fans, this show – it did capture, some key moments that were so memorable in those shows (they are memorable, they had an impact), but at the same time – there was a little more of a challenge in terms of the way that movie was made - those movie goers could find. The movie had more of an intriguing feel to it.

Shatner’s ambition, as he sought to create some memorable visual effects - an important part of the storytelling (that will often show up in those shows), they always include those memorable moments (as those films often capture that feel) he wanted those viewers, those movie fans to be a little bit more captivated (with that, style of film that's often a part of the series). He also wanted to make that show, and, at times he wanted those movie goers to engage - a more visual, experience. This would also help create those key moments, those scenes that would be an integral part of those stories. He also wanted to bring those stories, to the big screen in a way that would have that impact - he was determined to have a big vision that would also give those movie fans those compelling moments.

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Why Did It Fail?

Star Trek V_ The Final Frontier - Poster Image

The movie - it faced challenges - those movie goers who were following those series are well aware, the movie did face some obstacles - and it's often said - that Paramount - it was not keen on investing too much money in that film. Those fans can see the series that came out with that big budget, but it was given a limited budget - a significant challenge - this didn't help those who were trying to make that film come to life, especially for the crew who wanted to bring that film – and those stories to the screen in that epic style that is often a part of the Star Trek Universe. But with some limitations those effects they weren't able to carry on with some of the plans. As a result, the movie had some limitations - its impact wasn’t as strong as those other movies - that helped give fans a memorable and lasting impression - which was also seen as a key part of those stories. This was one of those missed opportunities – to give moviegoers a memorable experience – those who were hoping for something new – but it’s also been a film that's still popular. That’s what has continued to capture those audiences – it’s possible those fans are keen on finding more of those stories. It's been a show that has continued to be featured in some way or another, and that has given fans those key moments – which often bring those stories to life with the show’s visual effects (as well as their talent and acting).

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Star Trek V - that movie - its not quite the same. It’s still a very watchable film, it may not be the same. It doesn’t always give those movie goers, what they're seeking for but those who are fans of those Star Trek movies, the characters - there’s a different type of movie that was made - and that's what makes it so unique, - a classic in its own right. Those who love those classic movies - a film that will take fans back to that Golden Era – those shows that have given those moviegoers - the opportunity to experience something different. There is a special place in that universe - the stories are an important part of those key events and what made those characters so compelling – it’s a very important film that those movie fans might enjoy.

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