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Star Trek Endgame Theory: Fluidic Space Rewrites the Universe!

Mind-blowing Star Trek Theory: Fluidic Space and the Franchise's Endgame!

Fluidic Space: A Star Trek Mystery That Rewrites Everything

Fluidic Space. The name might sound familiar to long-time Star Trek fans, yet it's actually something fairly obscure to those only exposed through the TV shows! It’s that weird, mysterious dimension in the Star Trek universe, home to the super-powerful (and terrifying!) Species 8472.    But, now, a seriously wild new theory, from the latest Star Trek #25 comic (written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly, art by Liana Kangas) totally changes everything we thought we knew. And just to let you know: this article has spoilers from Star Trek #25!  Don’t read any further if you don't want the big reveal!

Species 8472, those insanely powerful beings? They made their debut in Star Trek: Voyager, completely throwing the whole Borg thing into disarray, especially when considering the already-established Borg threat was becoming increasingly repetitive at the point in the Voyager series, which had established several enemies that only differed by minor detail, something the introduction of these new species helps remedy. And this whole Fluidic Space thing? It has mostly remained a mystery since! Those rare appearances are only spread out; only referenced in a few comics, in novels, and within the Star Trek Online game.

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Species 8472 and Fluidic Space: A Deep Dive into Star Trek Lore

Star Trek Fluidic Space Image

To understand why this new theory matters, it’s very important to go and examine this universe’s origin. That awesome reveal of the powerful, unique alien race and their entirely otherworldly dimension; the sheer uniqueness added, the total originality in characters' designs;   that changed the way Star Trek deals with aliens forever! This addition adds immensely creative possibilities which would not have been easy to achieve; creating far more powerful challenges in future storylines that added more originality; this changed the way viewers interact with Star Trek lore.

Species 8472 weren't just another alien species living on some planet. They hailed from this dimension, one that's like...alive.   Their DNA is crazy dense and different— completely unlike any previously shown alien species; and to show their immense power; the Borg couldn't even assimilate them;  proving just how strong these creatures and this dimension truly is, within its entirety.

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The Mind-Blowing Theory: Fluidic Space as Our Universe's Future!

Admiral Picard and Captain Janeway from Star Trek. Image

That’s where Star Trek #25's ending comes in. The issue’s back matter proposes an absolutely crazy idea;  a major, seriously groundbreaking concept; and in a sense, a plot element and reveal that greatly changes how we interact with existing Star Trek continuity, and makes its long term continuation highly questionable: Fluidic Space isn't just some random dimension; it’s our universe's far-future state!

That's not some wild fan theory. That idea's rooted in various existing stories in Star Trek novels and Star Trek Online, introducing more unique alien species living there. The comic itself also discusses some unknown aspects surrounding Species 8472, which was likely done because travel is deemed extremely dangerous, something those readers will come to find very, very interesting as these elements become important for understanding the bigger picture.

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Is the Theory Even True? Exploring the Implications

Star Trek #22, Benjamin Sisko's mother confronts him with the inevitability of Earth's future Image

That theory raises huge questions!  But, we must question it seriously, to ensure this new perspective is properly handled within its lore. What happens if our own universe ends up becoming something scary like Fluidic Space? It would completely rewrite that universe’s possible future!

That whole concept is hard to even verify and made questionable as some prior narratives seem to show an irreconcilable reality: Lore’s destruction of the Orb of Destruction seemingly obliterated it in Star Trek #500. If Fluidic Space is indeed the universe’s far future; those creatures there should’ve also vanished! But that's not exactly what occurred!  This creates a conflict which would need resolution and a credible explanation for those seeking deeper insight into this universe. Yet we must consider; this whole storyline doesn’t really contradict anything.

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Conclusion: A Game-Changing Revelation That Rewrites Star Trek's Destiny

Star Trek Fluidic Space 2 Image

This theory shakes things up dramatically! If this truly is our universe’s future— well, that's way more intense, isn't it? The terrifying aspects of this storyline could generate another major theme and even conflict points for other future storylines that might eventually be written to show this dark possibility: a possible, dystopian fate and an equally intense, dark possible destiny which could provide another critical and very dramatic angle to the franchise's overall long term potential. This one theory alters everything—creating that intense mystery which keeps that Star Trek universe deeply, surprisingly and constantly thrilling for anyone following the events of that constantly evolving sci-fi universe.

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