Spider-Man, one of Marvel's most beloved heroes, has a dark secret: a possible future where he becomes the terrifying King in Black.
In Venom War: Spider-Man #3, by Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Greg Land, readers get a glimpse into a terrifying alternate timeline. In this twisted future, Peter Parker doesn't escape his fate, and is consumed by the King in Black symbiote.
This isn't your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. This twisted version uses his powers for brutal control, attempting to maintain order in a crumbling universe. But this quest for order leads to horrifying consequences. To maintain structure, Peter Parker ends up ruthlessly murdering his loved ones—his friends, his family, even his own daughter.
The comic reveals that Peter Parker was destined to be the next King in Black. Only by rejecting the Venom symbiote did he avert this terrifying fate.
By escaping the inevitable doom, it turns out Peter Parker cursed another. His rejection of the symbiote passed on this horrifying fate to Eddie Brock, the next host of Venom. Future visions hint that Eddie Brock will ultimately suffer the same genocidal, horrifying rampage that Peter Parker managed to avoid. A bloody tale in which he cries out for release from the horrible burden.
The King in Black role seems inherently cursed!
While Spider-Man escaped his darkest destiny, it was unfortunately handed down to his successor.
Even though Peter Parker escaped the horrific future this specific arc opens up a brand-new perspective on what made this such an important arc!
While it didn't make it to its ending, for those that follow Spider-Man. There's a really significant insight for this world's greatest hero, whose powers made him unique and a person capable of great action but could also easily lead him to do monstrous, unforgivable acts! What's impressive about this Marvel creation, it gives fans an entirely new view about the character and really keeps audiences interested about what is waiting for this well-loved and beloved superhero!