Known for his terrible past as Galactus's herald, the Silver Surfer finds himself in a fresh and even more unsettling scenario. The Silver Surfer functions a master far more sinister than the Devourer of Worlds: Mephisto in Marvel Comics' Annihilation 2099 #4.
Tasked with gathering souls across the universe, the twisted form of the classic character—the new Silver Surfer—is imbued with hellfire. Offering them an extension of life in exchange for their eternal soul, he visits people on their last moments. But this offer has a dark twist: the Silver Surfer is only a pawn in Mephisto's scheme, guaranteeing the souls he gathers wind up in perpetual damnation.
Even more ethically repugnant than his time serving Galactus are these actions of the Silver Surfer. Mephisto's influence results in constant suffering of individual souls while Galactus's quest of planets destroyed entire civilizations. Offering people facing death false hope and manipulating them into a contract that will doom them permanently, the Silver Surfer feeds on their desperation. Selling false promises for his master, Mephisto, the Silver Surfer is basically a cosmic grifter.
The Marvel universe's Silver Surfer's relationship to Mephisto is not wholly novel. Embracing hellfire and the Power Cosmic, Frank Castle, the Puncher, evolved into the Cosmic Ghost Rider. This suggests that Mephisto's influence can reach even those with cosmic power, so mirroring the present circumstances of the Silver Surfer.
Galactus's influence is far different from Mephisto's. Galactus's hunger for planets is a force of destruction, but survival drives most of his actions. But Mephisto is a malevolent being that feeds on torture and manipulation. He aims not only to eat worlds but also to govern souls and guarantee their continuous suffering.
The new position of Mephisto's servant for The Silver Surfer begs several issues. Mephisto has what ultimate scheme? At last will the Silver Surfer escape Mephisto's influence? And how might this fresh dynamic affect the Marvel Universe?
The narrative of The Silver Surfer is far from finished. His relationship to Mephisto will surely have long-lasting effects on his character and has broad implications. Seeing the Silver Surfer fight against Mephisto's impact and maybe find a means of atonement will be intriguing. Though his path will remain a convoluted and fascinating one, the future of the Silver Surfer is yet unknown.