The Last Adventures of Rick from the 10th Anniversary Special of Rick and Morty
Numerous incarnations of Rick Sanchez exist in the enormous Rick and Morty multiverse, each with their own distinct adventures. However, we finally get to see how all of these adventures come to a close in the recently published 10th Anniversary Special. Shady Graves Resort, a retirement home where all Ricks from the multiverse go to live out their final years, is the ultimate destination for each Rick.
Shady Graves Resort: Ricks' Retired Haven
The only residents at Shady Graves Resort are elderly Ricks, making it a distinctive retirement home. After innumerable adventures and maybe even a few near-death experiences, every Rick finally finds himself in this area. Rick, the primary character, is not an exception. Despite his initial resistance to retiring, he finally ends up at Shady Graves, which is evidence of the ultimate destiny of every Rick in the multiverse.
Jerryboree: A Replica of Rick's Destiny
The idea of Shady Graves Resort is a multiverse-wide echo of Jerry's demise. We first learned about Jerryboree in the second season episode "Mortynight Run," which serves as a type of daycare for Jerrys while Rick and Morty go on their excursions. But some Jerrys, at Jerryboree, end up lost and never found again. Like the Jerrys, the Ricks at Shady Graves will live out their days in a facility meant for people just like them.
Reluctant to Retire: The Rickest Rick
The main continuity Rick is not one of the numerous Ricks who find refuge at Shady Graves Resort when they are ready to settle down. Unexpectedly, he utilizes his cutting-edge technology to combine the corpses of each Rick in Shady Graves with his own, resulting in a monster composite. This change signifies Rick's reluctance to retire and shows that the "Rickest Rick" still has a need for adventure despite the apparent serenity.
Adventures of Rick and Morty: An Infinite Cycle
Rick's adventures will inevitably come to an end, as shown in the 10th Anniversary Special, which highlights an important component of Rick and Morty's story. Even the "Rickest Rick" finally reaches a point where the adventure must end, despite the allure of believing that Rick will carry on with his interdimensional adventures indefinitely. This idea supports the cyclical structure of Rick and Morty's story, in which every adventure—no matter how big or ridiculous—ends up at the same place.
The Multiverse: An Endless Web of Opportunities
The existence of Jerryboree and Shady Graves Resort draws attention to how big the Rick and Morty multiverse is. These facilities suggest that, in innumerable alternate universes, Rick and Jerry have the same end. This emphasizes the countless options present in the Rick and Morty multiverse, where people who at first glance appear to be different are bound together by a common fate.