Meet the new Red Hulk, a horrifying fusion of cosmic power and a space suit! This terrifying new character in Marvel's Red Hulk 2099 era makes fans wonder about the future of Marvel Comics! This isn't just about a powerful DC Universe metahuman, it is a whole new origin!
Fans of Red Hulk might think this origin story is strange. The Red Hulk from past stories gained power and color from gamma radiation. However, this version of Red Hulk gets powers from something much different - the cosmic energy of the Living Planet Ego! This is very different from the more traditional Red Hulk origin that was part of earlier Red Hulk Marvel storylines.
During a mission into outer space, Red Hulk 2099 ate the flesh of Ego! He is filled with Ego's power but fused with the space suit, leading to the iconic red appearance. Fans of Red Hulk Marvel will remember how other powerful heroes gained their power. Galactus is another cosmic being who uses the Power Cosmic to make new Heralds - much like Red Hulk. This could potentially make Red Hulk a permanent Red Hulk transformation and create an unpredictable power.
Get ready to explore a Red Hulk story like you haven't seen before. His powers are now a potent mix of the original Red Hulk, plus those from the Power Primordial. The combination could result in an even greater Red Hulk power! Fans who are on the lookout for amazing new comic book issues can get this newest edition of the Red Hulk comic book.
There are interesting origins in Marvel Comics. This Red Hulk has more than one source of inspiration. It borrows ideas from some of the biggest names in Science Fiction art, especially Jack Kirby! Red Hulk's design draws heavily on the iconic works of H.R. Giger - and fans may notice this, given his unique look. Check out what artist Pete Woods shared about his inspiration.
The world of Marvel Comics is alive with change and new stories. Red Hulk has definitely caused a buzz! But look at the animated series Marvel is releasing too, and check out other Marvel Comics Red Hulk storylines from the past. It's going to be an exciting year!
Annihilation 2099 is available in stores and online! Keep a lookout for future developments with Red Hulk 2099, the exciting world of the future that's already part of Marvel Comics!