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Raven's Shocking Redesign in Titans: A New Look and a New Power

Raven is one of the Titans' most important and compelling members, even if her new look, after the release of Titans #15 might be making those close to her nervous.

Raven's Ultimate Form:

She looks super powerful, and after all these changes, is probably making all those other characters wonder just what is happening! Even the story has been changing quite a bit! Now this latest version of Raven takes us into the depths of this amazing hero and her struggle with a dark half of her being.

Also Read: Titans #15 Death: Who's Really Dying in DC Comics?

The Dark-Winged Queen

Titans #15 Raven and dark Winged Queen Merge Image

The newest issue gives a new "Dark-Winged Queen", that makes some pretty incredible moves! That means this Powerful character is joining forces with the hero herself.

Fans got a glimpse into Raven battling her father, Trigon as well as her evil counterpart who wanted to stop the hero!

  • You may want to stop reading here if you are a fan of "Titans" because you might see something unexpected.

However, fans may also find the ending is truly remarkable.

It wasn't that long ago, a powerful creature helped to join them together. As Beast Boy became a moderator between the two and they joined! In an instant! With the combination that was almost unimaginable to many!

What happened in that epic final story was an amazing shift in this superhero!

  • Fans got a major visual redesign! She took a major turn in a white, classic Raven outfit!
  • A key aspect that fans loved about Raven's design was a huge power upgrade. No more splitting her powers between good and bad, she was fully united! The change was amazing as well!
Also Read: Beast Boy: Beyond the Jokes - DC Comics' Tragic Hero

An Iconic Look

The Teen Titans taking a photo in DC Comics Image

Even as we are talking about powers! The new design is just super special. You may have caught it in "Tales of the New Teen Titans #2,". In that comic issue, her outfit took on a look of purple. In this newest version of Raven, the designer made some interesting changes to show that her costume looks a lot like her classic version of the comic. Fans may enjoy it, or even think the designers were super creative.

  • The original classic design was in the 1980s and 1990s!
  • Now, there are changes in her new design, It is predominantly white!
  • It has a unique look with leggings underneath the iconic dress. She even had those famous, super fantastic "starburst" earrings and her raven brooch was a classic and amazing touch! The look is even more defined and brought to a new level with gloves that reach up to her elbows!

What makes it stand out from everything else? What is incredible about the change is that Raven is using a greater range of her power with the "whole" form. She no longer needs to separate herself from this dark element. In fact, Raven is at a new level of power because it's just her.

And there is a chance that her "power-up" may stick!

Also Read: Raven's Dark-Winged Queen: The Ultimate Threat in Titans!

A Changing Identity:

I am Raven Titans #15 white raven costume Image

The comic, is full of big twists but this one stands out, and has left fans on the edge of their seats! There is more than just the design! Raven, also got a real identity change! If you see the interactions, in the new issue, you might want to look closely and consider the meaning.

  • Starfire who has known Raven for a long, long time, sees something different! In a shocking moment of "is this the same friend I know?", Starfire really makes you see just what a big deal this moment really is for these beloved characters!

In this pivotal moment, Starfire wonders if "Raven" has actually gone away, she does. But Raven lets Starfire know there's a new sense of being.

A major turn! Her identity shifted.

  • But this change doesn't mean that Raven isn't still their amazing friend.

In a big change. We are left wondering, as we are waiting for new developments, that the new Raven may be just getting started as we see more developments with this beloved character, the amazing design of "Titans," continues to be full of exciting twists, turning it into a classic comic!

It looks like fans are going to be super invested to see how the story continues, giving audiences plenty of reasons to come back and check out this powerful character that just might get stronger every single time they read.

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