Only Blade's Daughter BLOODLINE can beat him to finish Marvel's "Blood Hunt".
Dracula tells her straight out when the truth comes to light that she is Blade's weakness and he can only die by her hand.
Having appeared on Free Comic Book Day 2022: Avengers / X-Men: Judgment Day #1, Blade's daughter is among Marvel's most recent superheroes. Shortly after, her origins and character were expanded in the Bloodline: Daughter of Blade miniseries, revealing that the teenager had lived a normal life with her mother – under the protection of a spell offered to her best friend – then inherited her father's vampiric-based powers. She discovered her father in the series, visited him for the first time, and Blade chose to train her. Blade's instruction of his daughter pays off during the "Blood Hunt" narrative arc, which darkens the Marvel universe for hordes of vampire consumption all under Blade's guilt. Originally left in the dark about who created the state the planet had been placed into, Brielle tried to adjust to working with Dracula, a monster her father always warned her about. When the truth surfaces, Dracula tells her straight out that she is Blade's vulnerability and he could only die by her hand.
Bloodline Designed To Be Marvel's Next Daywalker
More than the fact Marvel has set up Bloodline to perhaps kill her father, the stage is prepared for Bloodline to replace Blade in the role of Daywalker, and Marvel's primary horror hero.
Bloodline is naturally overwhelmed hearing all of this at once. Actually, Bloodline clearly finds her entire ordeal to be overwhelming. This is the first big Marvel event she has been a major part of; in a world where the sun is blocked out, her powers are flooding her body like never before. She is still developing her ability to keep and regulate those powers simultaneously. Now, this fresh mission claims Bloodline at the core of "Blood Hunt," stating she is the only hero able to vanquish Blade. More than the fact Marvel has positioned Bloodline to perhaps kill her father, the stage is prepared for Bloodline to take over as Daywalker, the flagship horror hero from Marvel. Whether the time is now at the end of this arc is debatable, but when the day arrives Blade is no longer with us, this essentially positions Brielle as the next Daywalker. The Daywalker is more than just a name; Blade's daughter is destined to someday become Marvel's go-to hero required for everything that goes bump in the night.
Blade's Blood Hunt: Marvel Universe Vampire Uprising
Blade is dragging the Marvel Universe into perfect, unvarnished gloom. Though [SPOILER] can, the Avengers cannot stop him and neither can Dracula.
When Blade turned out to be Marvel's vampire uprising's commander, even surprising Dracula personally, it was a huge shock. The legendary vampire thus grudgingly sided with the Avengers, but even their combined might won't be sufficient. Only Blade's daughter seems to possess the means to finish the "Blood Hunt." Jed Mackay's Blood Hunt #3, with Pepe Larraz's artwork, makes it very evident that his daughter Brielle Brooks (a.k.a. Bloodline) is the only hero able to permanently end Blade. Dracula first calls Bloodline in Blood Hunt #3, but Brielle is none the wiser as to who is the mastermind of it all even though she joins the Avengers in the middle of this fight. While the news overwhelms her, Dracula sharpens her in this issue and she cannot flee her destiny as the Daywalker for the next generation.
Blood Hunt: The New Hazard Endangering the Marvel Universe
Blood Hunt sets Blade as Marvel's new top villain, but writer Bryan Hill's latest miniseries on the Daywalker started his path toward evil. Blade is always a force to be reckoned with; he is a hybrid human-vampire with a grudge against those who target the innocent. But Blood Hunt's events have gone nasty, exposing a terrible aspect to the Daywalker's character.
Blade's vampire rebellion has thrown the Marvel Universe into anarchy, separating heroes from one another and perhaps upsetting the fragile equilibrium of power. The fate of the earth rests on the Avengers and Dracula's coerced cooperation. The effects of the "Blood Hunt" will be felt far and wide as the vampire community's future as well as human one is under jeopardy.
Daughter of Blade: Daywalkers' Legacy
Third Blood Hunt for 2024 Blood Hunt's events have brought the Marvel Universe into anarchy. The Daywalker's daughter, Bloodline, takes front stage as the globe works with the fallout from Blade's deeds. Powerful and confused young woman Brielle Brooks finds herself in the heart of a fight that might decide the fate of the vampire and human worlds. Bloodline is destined to be a major participant in the continuous fight as she negotiates her newly acquired abilities and the weight of her father's legacy.
The exciting and sophisticated story Blood Hunt has developed investigates family, legacy, and the subtleties of good and evil. Fans of the Marvel universe should definitely read Blood Hunt, with a strong and engaging cast of characters including Blade, Dracula, and Bloodline. The Marvel Universe hangs in jeopardy as the struggle between the Daywalker and the vampires rages on. The stakes are high, and the outcome of the "Blood Hunt" will have lasting repercussions.