My Hero Academia is a very popular anime, with the creator of the show, Kohei Horikoshi, admitting that the audience really loves Bakugo! Even though the main character, Deku (My Hero Academia protagonist), is widely known for being inspiring, Bakugo consistently takes the number one spot!
In My Hero Academia, fans really get invested in how the main characters overcome their difficulties! But it may be surprising that many love the initially unlikeable and abrasive Bakugo. According to Horikoshi, the fan favorite (Bakugo fan favorite) has experienced major Bakugo character development over time, allowing those who love this show to really see the "humanity" behind this seemingly arrogant and violent My Hero Academia hero.
Bakugo started the series by treating Deku cruelly. Bakugo insecurity made him bully Deku constantly. The series shows how the Bakugo change happens and Bakugo redemption emerges.
One reason he's so loved is that his "fiery" personality shines through! Bakugo remains spirited, driven, and quite often uses sarcasm to get a reaction.
Fans who've been following this anime series (especially through My Hero Academia episode, and My Hero Academia season) will know Bakugo's trajectory toward greatness. Even when he's competing against Deku for top spot, or battling those he's against like the League of Villains, fans are still deeply interested in how Bakugo vs Deku will go!
Fans should make sure they catch all of this action-packed story! The easiest place is by streaming My Hero Academia anime! This popular anime show has great visuals, story, and many characters that make My Hero Academia unforgettable!
The My Hero Academia popularity is widespread, especially through My Hero Academia fandom, fan sites, and social media. Fans will love to watch how Deku discovers his powers, trains in UA High to learn how to be a hero, and how those characters from the series grapple with their special skills, called "quirks." If you haven't gotten started with My Hero Academia, it will be one of your new favorite shows!