The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) now revolves heavily on the Guardians of the Galaxy, but one crucial team member from the comics is still missing in action: Moondragon. And believe us; the MCU is missing out!
Created by Bill Everett, Mike Friedrich, and George Tuska, Moondragon first surfaced in Iron Man #54. For almost 50 years, she has been a major player in the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe; during that time she has belonged to the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers. She is among the most potent telepaths in the Marvel Universe, and her power was just shown in the most recent Giant Size Silver Surfer issue, which explains her great MCU potential.
Another former herald of Galactus, Terrax, challenges the Silver Surfer to a fight in the "Hierarchy of Power" tale found in Giant Size Silver Surfer #1. Though Terrax is a strong being, Moondragon uses her telepathy to create illusions of everything Terrax encounters. She bambozes him absolutely!
The Surfer asks Moondragon to assist in his battle with Terrax. Terrax is immensely strong since he also possesses access to the Power Cosmic. Moondragon go toe to toe with Galactus and can manage entire populations! Moondragon's even more remarkable aspect is that she acquired her powers by pure will and discipline. She isn't a mutant, thus her powers weren't bestowed upon her. In the Marvel Universe, she is rather unique.
The MCU would benefit much from Moondragon. Her origin story is unique and she is a strong and motivating character. Furthermore, there are plenty of chances to introduce Moondragon even though the Guardians of the Galaxy series seems to be finished.
She has ties to the Guardians of the Galaxy as well as the Avengers, and her abilities could be utilized to produce some quite fantastic and thrilling narratives. Imagine what the MCU could do with Moondragon—we have seen what kind of incredible things it can accomplish with strong characters like Scarlet Witch!
Over years, Thanos' narrative has entwined Moondragon's. Finding a means of introducing Thanos to the MCU could prove challenging now she is gone. But Moondragon is an incredible character that fans would want to see in live-action because of her great powers and inspirational beginning tale. She is absolutely revolutionary.