In the newest Marvel Comics title, The Ultimates, an unexpected crossover event is taking shape! While the popular and well-known Godzilla franchise might appear far removed from Marvel Comics, fans have reason to get excited, as Godzilla Marvel Universe is taking on a whole new form, specifically through a Hulk-powered Godzilla.
Get ready, Marvel Godzilla is gaining a whole lot of steam! The Ultimates recently shared how the new Godzilla origin happened within the Ultimate Universe, a distinct Marvel Universe with its own characters and storylines. As part of the series, Ultimate Universe Godzilla was exposed to Gamma Radiation, but not in the traditional fashion.
You will recognize certain abilities from the original Godzilla, including its Atomic Breath! However, a major twist is that this new Godzilla also wields the incredible strength, rage, and power that Gamma Radiation gives the Hulk. This unique twist will certainly make this Godzilla a compelling adversary in future comics, which includes an eventual Godzilla vs Hulk matchup!
The history of the Godzilla franchise in comics began much earlier. Godzilla comics have been part of the Marvel universe. These have appeared as separate storylines with their own unique stories, characters, and even art style!
For more updates, search the internet and follow Godzilla news outlets! Be sure to watch for upcoming Godzilla events and releases! With an interesting addition like this new Godzilla Marvel Universe crossover, and how he uses his power of Godzilla Atomic Breath, it's clear the next iteration of the character will create incredible narratives!
Godzilla movie is popular globally. You can learn about Godzilla history and other Godzilla entries like Godzilla King of the Monsters or Godzilla epics, Godzilla vs King Ghidorah, Godzilla vs Mothra, and Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla! You could also see the Godzilla series and Godzilla TV series to learn more!
Keep an eye out for updates and new releases for upcoming comics featuring Godzilla! Godzilla fandom is huge! It has grown alongside his journey through film and television series! Be sure to read some Godzilla comics to learn more about this exciting character and follow updates from Marvel.