The road Luke Skywalker followed to become a Jedi was a difficult one. Under the tutelage of the wise Yoda on the marshy planet Dagobah, Luke developed his Force skills and picked the Jedi techniques. Though his training was mostly shown in the Star Wars movies, a comic book revealed an intriguing detail about his Jedi development. Luke Skywalker's first effective application of a trademark Force ability—the Jedi Mind Trick—did not happen on film but rather developed on the pages of "Star Wars Adventures: Luke Skywalker and the Treasure of the Dragonsnakes".
Originally presented on screen by Obi-Wan Kenobi in "Star Wars: A New Hope," the Jedi Mind Trick lets Jedi affect the minds of others such that they are open to suggestion. Although Luke Skywalker used this strong approach to enter Jabba's Palace, his first meeting with this Force power was a less-known story. Luke's first Jedi Mind Trick first came to light on the pages of "Star Wars Adventures: Luke Skywalker and the Treasure of the Dragonsnakes".
Set amid the events of "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back," this comic tracks Luke on a Yoda-assessed mission. His mission was to explore the terrifying water dragon, King of the Dragonsnakes' den, and get its enigmatic "treasure". Luke expectedly came upon the Dragonsnake, and a bloody fight started. Following Yoda's counsel to "Look past your weapon." Look to yourself," Luke said, reaching into his inner strength and then ordering "Stop!" with a raised hand toward the enraged beast. Seemingly inspired by Luke's will, the Dragonsnake followed, the first time Luke effectively applied the Jedi Mind Trick.
Knowing the Dragonsnake and Luke's Victory
The Dragonsnake in issue was the same creature Luke first landed on Dagobah tried to eat R2-D2. Now endowed with his newly acquired Jedi abilities, Luke subdued the Dragonsnake. Showcasing his Jedi Mind Trick, he rode the creature back to Yoda. This triumph affected Dragonsnake society in more ways than only conquering a terrible enemy. Luke's triumph proved that the despotic King could be defeated, inspiring a revolt among the other Dragonsnakes that finally resulted in King dethronement.
Though it's regarded as part of the non-canon "Star Wars Legends" material, "Star Wars Adventures: Luke Skywalker and the Treasure of the Dragonsnakes" emphasizes a vital component of Luke's Jedi education. The comic clarifies Luke's mastery of the Jedi Mind Trick during his under Yoda's direction. It also forebates his assured and flawless application of this Force ability in "Return of the Jedi". Comics have often offered insightful analysis of the voids left unexplored in the movies, and Luke's first Jedi Mind Trick is evidence of their enriching influence to the Star Wars universe.
The Jedi Mind Trick: a useful tool.
One strong weapon with both good and bad application is the Jedi Mind Trick. Luke's first application of the Jedi Mind Trick marks evidence of his developing strength and commitment to the Jedi way. It also demonstrates how one might defeat even the most formidable of foes using the Jedi Mind Trick. Luke's deft use of this ability confirmed his status as a galaxy hero even more.