Movies News Talk

Lord Drakkon: Power Rangers' Most Notorious Villain - Origin & Lore

Lord Drakkon: Unmasking the Origin of Power Rangers' Most Notorious Villain!

Lord Drakkon's Name: A Deep Dive into Power Rangers Lore

For those unfamiliar, Lord Drakkon is a seriously twisted version of Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger, in the Boom! Studios Power Rangers comics.  He's one of the greatest additions in all of Power Rangers history; one of the absolute best villains in the entire universe. But what’s the deal with that name? It’s a seriously awesome title that’s inspired lots of debate among those who love the comics and this extended mythology.  Why did he get it?

His initial appearance remains somewhat mysterious: This is shown in that first unveiling, his identity was secret and only after two issues it became clear who that evil ranger truly is; an awesome alternate-universe version of Tommy Oliver; demonstrating a unique addition which greatly increased the ongoing popularity of this villain who would only continue to rise!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Annual 2017 (the “Search Party” story—written by Kyle Higgins, art by Goñi Montes)—offers a full explanation; showing how important his naming convention really is and just what made it possible for this storyline.

Also Read: Power Rangers: The Coinless Saga - Lord Drakkon & the Alternate Reality!

Tommy's Descent: Why Drakkon?

Lord Drakkon in front of the Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Image

It begins in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #9Tommy and Billy Cranston (the Blue Ranger) get flung to this totally different reality. It’s a bleak, post-apocalyptic world (“the World of the Coinless”)— featuring colossal statues of the Green Ranger and Rita Repulsa (seriously creepy!). They discover Saba, the White Ranger’s sword; a wise and helpful companion who provides crucial info for the Rangers themselves. Saba reveals that this timeline is alternate; one where Tommy never joins the Rangers.

The events play out as they did normally; yet when Rita's spell is broken– and Tommy comes to his senses, he rejects the Rangers; running to Rita. This entire part from the comics is absolutely insane, demonstrating another unexpected, completely unexpected plot which expands the existing canon. In this twisted alternate world, Rita completely influences Tommy; convincing him to join forces with the darkest forces!

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The First Drakkon: A Legend Forged in Conquest

Lord Drakkon in front of the Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Image

In that special 2017 comic “Search Party,” it reveals more about this alternate Tommy: The guy doesn't run right away;  He spends a long time alone on the streets fighting for survival!  Rita eventually finds Tommy— a powerful figure that reminded her of someone special—the original Drakkon! The sheer intensity presented here creates a truly memorable character that is entirely worthy of this extended and complex mythology presented through the series!

Rita recounts Drakkon's story. He lived on planet 46 in the Toki system. She reveals he totally helped Rita conquer the planet, helping establish and sustain the existing peace after the conquest!  She explains Drakkon’s impact through this impressive, sustained achievement: he helped bring lasting peace across Toki system. Rita suggests Tommy follow that path, taking Drakkon’s name– a pivotal moment that helps reshape this completely different storyline.

Also Read: Original Green Power Ranger Returns in Honoring Tommy Oliver & Jason David Frank.

Drakkon’s Legacy: Expanding Power Rangers Lore!

Custom image of Lord Drakkon in Power Rangers Image

This entire storyline extends the overall Power Rangers canon: This universe's multiverse contains numerous Rangers from across many periods and locations! It further expands that rich lore inherent in the franchise’s extended history! The added detail shows exactly just how truly far this narrative can potentially extend, and really helps expand the existing narrative beyond the main storyline of any individual series!

The inclusion of this Drakkon legend adds several previously unseen aspects! It doesn't limit its story around the characters involved in these conflicts and these battles– that original Drakkon demonstrates that even larger-scale impact that can occur. His story transcends the simple ongoing events in other stories, completely shaping the long-term historical events; which would further be explored as the story and its characters evolve. And while there might have been several extremely iconic and great Power Rangers, their impacts never extended beyond that series’ length.  Drakkon and the storytelling from the Boom! Studios comics shows just how greatly and easily this could evolve!

Also Read: Power Rangers Comic's Ultimate Team-Up: The Greatest Rangers Of All Time Unite To Fight Dark Specter

Conclusion: Lord Drakkon: An Alternate Universe Creation


Lord Drakkon's name isn’t randomly selected; and is extremely powerful when considering the contexts within its extended storyline.  It’s a direct nod toward that original Drakkon, this legend and history within the universe itself and those larger scale narratives, completely building up those key details which make this original iteration of Tommy Oliver so absolutely different!

This isn’t some simple detail–It displays immense potential for future storyline growth and that unique insight into the broader world; one built and developed over time! The immense richness that has built itself demonstrates just how greatly successful and influential those additional plot lines which might otherwise have been entirely dismissed; those moments alone, those surprisingly simple yet tremendously impactful choices demonstrates the key creative value from Boom! Studios and further establishes why this interpretation of the original Power Rangers universe will be so incredibly important. And fans of the comics? This just makes the evil Tommy Oliver even more unforgettable.

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