Movies News Talk

Leia Organa's Secret Jedi Training Revealed in New Star Wars Comics

We all know Leia Organa as the general of the Rebel Alliance, and the force of good! It’s been confirmed that the story about Leia as a Jedi has only just begun.

Leia Organa’s Secret Jedi Path:

While some of us might have only known the great Leia Organa for her amazing bravery and fight against evil, this story gives us another fascinating layer of this hero, but in a super powerful form - the Jedi!

Fans will never forget how she celebrated alongside the Ewoks on the "Forest Moon of Endor"! What happened there and the history of how Leia became a Jedi came together. It turns out Leia did a very special act by spending time by her father’s side!

In the latest Marvel Comics series, we discover Leia's journey, a pivotal part of this new, compelling arc, that happens in "Star Wars: Battle of Jakku - Insurgency Rising #1."

Fans will recognize the writer Alex Segure as "Star Wars" fans will know these authors.

Also Read: Luke Skywalker in Star Wars gets enormous Mom Padmé Amidala Connection: Huge.

The Dark Side and Leia:

Luke Offers To Train Leia in Insurgency Rising #1 Image

It was during Return of the Jedi that Leia found out about her dad! What a shock! A moment that shook everyone’s worlds. What’s even more amazing? It looks like Leia was left in turmoil, feeling all sorts of anger toward Anakin Skywalker.

  • She spent her time with the Ewoks
  • It was a celebration that might have reminded people of her time at Endor.
  • Leia took some time for a different ceremony of sorts, to see her father, Darth Vader.

And you may guess it was about reflection for a great hero.

Also Read: Jedi Shadow Agents: The Dark Side of the Force & How They Became Sith-Like

Leia’s Secret Offer:

Luke Fears Leia's Darkness in Insurgency Rising #1 Image

Luke Skywalker took a very special approach to what is a very important moment. He recognized his sister had a difficult time moving on and not allowing the Dark Side to control her emotions. That led him to make a critical offer to train his sister as a Jedi. We may have been shown a lot of amazing details of their past in "Star Wars,", however, this moment had so many new elements and shows just how important it all is! The Skywalker children came to a place where Leia has the potential to be the "another hope," and this story could take on new meanings.

Luke sensed something that brought back his own history, his experiences, and the potential dangers for Leia as well.

He had some very tough memories about Darth Vader's threats!

Also Read: Luke Skywalker is More Like Padmé Than Darth Vader: Star Wars Confirms

Why Did Leia Hesitate?

Rey Skywalker Din Djarin and the Prime Jedi Image

Luke made this offering! But Leia hesitated. This was pretty important to those who didn't understand! It was a time for the heroes to move forward.

This shows how the great Leia couldn't seem to completely let go of her father! She was left heartbroken about the terrible choices that were made and, she was haunted by memories! If it were only her memories and the pain, she wouldn't need to hold Darth Vader's horrific actions, she needed to let those dark moments go!

Also Read: Luke Skywalker and Ben Solo: The Rise and Fall of a Jedi

Leia’s Jedi Path, but Not for Long!

Luke and Leia Star Wars Rise of Skywalker Jedi Training Flashback Image

There are no surprises to be had for those who are aware! As a long time fan, you know it's true Leia was trained by Luke to use the Force as a Jedi! She was amazing with her lightsaber.

But "The Rise of Skywalker", which hit the big screen in 2019 had something different. We were shown how she put the "Jedi path" behind her as well as a realization that the Jedi training would change things as she got visions that led her to understand her own powerful role in the "Star Wars" Universe. Her journey continued, too, but as the ending made it clear this journey is far from finished. That meant her own lightsaber and journey to use the Force would continue and go into the hands of Rey Skywalker! The Jedi's journey! We're getting so many great moments!

You can even discover what the great, iconic and well-known Leia can really do when the dark side of the force tempts her! This latest issue from "Star Wars"! It is definitely a must read for fans. It takes us into this incredible journey as well as showing the impact this Jedi's path can make, and might even inspire viewers as they learn about Leia. It gives a new take on an incredible hero!

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