JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is renowned for its unique narrative approach, in which every scene offers a fresh story and a different kind of villain. Although there are some parallels in powers and personalities, the show constantly presents antagonist unlike anything else seen.
After more than a year of mystery, JOJolands, the most recent JoJo's Bizarre Adventure release, has finally revealed its main antagonist, Acca Howler. Though he only appears in one chapter, Howler clearly embodies the series's custom of unusual villains.
Most JoJo villains choose solitude, hardly interacting with others and hiding their actual identities. But Acca Howler turns out as a flamboyant and expressive villain whose acts are freely public. This break from the conventional villain archetype is welcome.
Furthermore in line with the company known for its illicit activities is Howler's public image. This link highlights Howler's sharp contrast to the covert and hidden villains of earlier works.
Unconventional Defeat by Acca Howler
Howler and past villains differ most importantly in their approach of defeating each other. In earlier sections, only direct combat could defeat villains; but, Howler could be neutralized just by bankrupting him. The protagonist, Jodio, hardly has to go for a physical confrontation.
Still, this does not imply a fight won't take place. Showing his merciless nature, Howler has already turned to extreme actions to offset interference in his life. Still, his sensitivity to financial ruin sets him apart from almost superhuman enemies like Dio and Diavolo.
As a counterpoint to Diavolo, Acca Howler's character highlights even more the differences between JOJOLands and Golden Wind. Howler's public profile directly runs counter to Diavolo's seclusion. Moreover, Howler's acquisition of riches from lava rocks contrasts sharply with Diavolo's dependence on the Stand Arrow.
These opposing components accentuate Howler's distinct personality and support his status as a convincing fresh antagonist in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The next chapters promise fascinating advances about Howler and his influence on the narrative.