
Iron Man's Afterlife: How Marvel Just Set Up Tony Stark's MCU Return

Avengers Twilight Show Valhalla Tony Stark's Afterlife

Avengers: Twilight is set in a hypothetical future in which the Red Skull and Ultron managed to erode public confidence in the team, leading to their disintegration following a Hulk explosion killing several heroes. Tony Stark, who had been thought dead, turned out to have been imprisoned by his son James and a disguised Red Skull, with his mind stripped for fresh ideas. James' wrath at his parents blinded him to the Skull's depravity; yet, in the last battle he at last sees the light, trying to atone as penance. Tony is able to persuade him to turn over the Red Skull's armor, therefore dying in his place and leaving James behind to reconstruct the Avengers' base and stand behind the rebuilt squad.

Given his Avengers background, the picture of Tony Stark celebrating in Valhalla is a fantastic finish. Tony, Bruce, and Thor were all original Avengers, hence the concept of Thor respecting his colleagues as fellow fighters and providing a means of "living on" appeals to him from a great respect for his teammates. Valhalla is a place of celebration for those who fell in combat and exists closed off from the mortal world in Marvel history (like in Norse mythology), hence the transfer does not reverse Tony's death; it merely finds a means to carry on his story. Under exceptional circumstances in Marvel's mainstream universe, Thor has been able to momentarily call Valhalla's souls to battle great evil.

The MCU Replays Avengers: Twilight's Ending

Valhalla's arrival in 2022's Thor: Love and Thunder will enable the MCU to apply the same twist as Avengers: Twilight - extending Tony's story by enabling him to continue living in Valhalla, and maybe even unleash his armor one more time if the occasion is urgent enough. Avengers: Twilight presents a convincing picture of how Tony's "life" continuing in Valhalla might be accomplished without undermining his heroic death, therefore providing fans with an attractive model for Iron Man's one more flight in the MCU.

Marvel Comics currently have Avengers: Twilight #6 on sale.

Marvel Just Setup Tony Stark's MCU Return (Without Ruining His Death).

Marvel Comics just laid up the ideal path for Iron Man to show up in one more film following his death in Avengers: Endgame, as the Avengers confront a bleak future. With many fans contending that Robert Downey Jr. should never return to the part to protect the Infinity Saga's ending, Tony Stark's sacrifice to vanquish Thanos was among the most memorable events in the MCU. Marvel's most recent portrayal of Iron Man, however, presents the ideal approach to thread the needle—one more adventure without compromising his narrative arc.

Wearing their own Iron Man armor created by ATK-Design, Captain America's future Avengers in Avengers: Twilight face the Red Skull under brainwashing control. While Tony gives his life to rescue his son James's life—who had a change of heart after fighting on the Red Skull's side— Thor decides to drown the Hulk in the final battle. Tony dies taking the skull's booby-trapped armor away from innocent, but the comic's ending finally sees him running across Bruce Banner in the hereafter.

With Captain America & Tony Stark on the attack, the latest revelation from The Ultimate Universe transforms an unjustly underappreciated villain into the White House.

Bruce and Tony waking in Valhalla following their deaths are shown in the comic as guests among the dead Norsemen sporting elaborate armor. Tony guesses that Thor, now king of Asgard, has violated the laws to grant his pals a lifetime paradise.

Avengers: twilight #6 (2024)

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