Movies News Talk

Harry Potter TV Remake Needs To Give These Characters Bigger Roles

The TV Remake of Harry Potter Can Save One Character The Books AND Movies Got Wrong

The Harry Potter novels and movies obviously got one character wrong, but the show can at last correct for their shortcomings. There isn't much the impending HBO TV show can do to set itself above the Harry Potter Movies, given how frequently they received positive ratings from audiences and critics and even significant numbers at the worldwide box office. From Goblet of Fire's Triwizard Tournament to Harry, Ron, and Hermione's time-traveling exploits in The Prisoner of Azkaban, the films brilliantly performed almost all significant storylines from the original books.

The movies retain the core of J.K. Rowling's vision for the franchise even if they are not flawless and feature a significant number of problems and narrative errors. This puts pressure on HBO's Harry Potter TV remake to bring fresh vitality into the main series so it may be approved as a worthy adaptation. The HBO series must give one character far more focus than the novels and films if it is to reach goal.

The Harry Potter Books & Movies Both Neglected Nymphadora Tonks

Tonks develops some character in the original J. K. Rowling books, particularly following her proper introduction as one of the main members of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. She is a Metamorphmagus, the novels also underline, but just gloss over other aspects of her characterizing. Her appearance is also somewhat erratic; she shows up mostly only when all the Order members are together. Even her passing near the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is mentioned in passing, hardly allowing readers to value her bravery and sacrifice.

The movies lessens Nymphadora Tonks's importance in the overall story due to their short running lengths. She first makes an appearance in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, as in the books. But the films scarcely depict any significant changes in her relationship with Lupin and hardly investigate her powers as a Metamorphmagus. Her ultimate death in the last arc of the movie series also lacks weight since the films do not spend any time making her story emotionally relevant in any notable sense.

The TV Structure Will Let Minor Characters, Like Tonks Greater Roles

Unlike the movies, which had severe narrative restrictions due to their restricted runtimes, the Harry Potter Tv Show had the possibility to give characters like Tonks more importance. The typical run-through of most Harry Potter movie installments is two to three hours. Should the program highlight one book per season, it will have at least twice the time to investigate the same themes and character beats offered in the novels and films.

With maybe eight to ten episodes in one season and 45 minutes to an hour running length for every episode, the show may concentrate far more on small characters than the films. From stressing the pivotal events of her relationship with Lupin to offering more thorough information on how Tonks participated during the Battle of Hogwarts and the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the play can run through all. The HBO series can also treat other minor characters, such Bill Weasley and Astoria Greengrass, similarly while she is at it.

What good is it if The Harry Potter Remake leaves underused characters with smaller roles?

A new reboot adaptation is not even required given how well previous Harry Potter movie franchise entries transferred the books to the big screen. It makes logical, though, that a TV adaptation is already under development since the movies were compelled to ignore numerous significant arcs from the books and hurry through many others. Therefore, if the Harry Potter TV adaptation did not try to improve the narrative from the original books and the movies by giving underused characters larger roles and emphasizing more on well-rounded character development and richer storytelling, it would be useless.

Giving Tonks the screen time and development she is due would truly help the Harry Potter TV program. The show may build a far more compelling and powerful character arc by examining her complicated personality, special magic ability, and sadly brief but passionate romance with Remus Lupin. Furthermore, by highlighting Tonks's character, the show might provide the bigger narrative more complexity and nuance, therefore offering viewers a more whole and interesting experience of the Wizarding World.

The promise of the Harry Potter TV series is a closer exploration of the Wizarding World.

Based on the venerable Wizarding World film series with eight movies running between 2001 and 2011, Harry Potter is HBO's rendition. Every season uses a book from JK Rowling's well-liked series and offers more book-accurate details than the films. After the Harry Potter Tv Show's announcement, the series drew negative reviews for Rowling's participation and for many believing a reboot was superfluous.

The Harry Potter TV series might be a revolutionary adaptation that really embodies the spirit and core of the books. Long-time viewers as well as newbies to the Wizarding World can find a richer and more fulfilling experience by concentrating on character development, investigating underused characters, and diving deeper into the lore.

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