The Green Lantern Corps are a key part of DC Comics' universe, a large and very powerful group of space police, all wielding the incredible power of Green Lantern Power that emanates from their rings. Their purpose is to serve as protectors of justice and ensure balance throughout the universe. These are not limited to a few select members; this organization is vast - operating across several sectors, with thousands of lanterns (each given their individual sector and duty to oversee those worlds)
Each member is assigned a unique Green Lantern Power Ring - with a power set to shield themselves as well as attack those who threaten the peace and stability of the universe. The key ingredient to their Green Lantern Power comes from willpower, which serves as a foundational element to each character. There are even characters like the Green Lantern characters, such as Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner who were tasked to uphold those values across multiple periods of the universe - a story that has shaped this Green Lantern story.
Green Lantern Lore , has changed with the arrival of Thaaros. While many will remember this character, his ambition as an entity of incredible power, and his dominance within the Green Lantern Corps. There are many details about Thaaros as he has been working to change the Green Lantern world.
His primary goals, including his quest for control over the Emotional Spectrum - (an important element for Green Lantern power), often seeking those characters that might give him a way to expand and influence. His journey to establish a "united force" across the universe, has shown those who are interested in Green Lantern lore a unique perspective and insight into how his ambitious quest may come to define his legacy. This event also showcases a dark path - as he makes changes to the Green Lantern Corps and brings a more menacing tone that is in direct conflict to the longtime history and ideals that have guided these Green Lantern Characters - who seek to protect justice.
Each Green Lantern has the incredible gift of a power ring, each containing an energy force capable of an array of functions and abilities.
Those familiar with Green Lantern and the Green Lantern Comics will understand that they each have the ability to harness willpower to give them incredible skills to transform energy into weapons, construct physical objects - giving the characters an advantage in battling and defeating those threats to peace and stability. These characters have long been recognized to represent a force to be reckoned with as they've battled countless DC Comics villains. A great example is Hal Jordan who has appeared in the Green Lantern Movie .
Green Lantern , a name that has been synonymous with those heroes of DC Comics. The character, however, hasn't received its own, full, independent series on a major television platform.
While the Green Lantern series has enjoyed significant popularity through a series of comic books that include those stories of how Green Lanterns continue to defend the universe, and also appeared as a prominent role within other animated television productions such as "Justice League: The Animated Series," and even a series titled "Green Lantern: The Animated Series," an Green Lantern TV Show continues to be an event that is still waiting to happen.
The power of Green Lantern Willpower - which is the central energy behind Green Lantern power, relies on the human ability to believe in their mission to find their way through challenges.
For the Green Lantern Corps and Green Lantern, there's always been a belief that willpower can be one of the most powerful elements. A key to maintaining peace and overcoming those in their path that would bring about evil and destruction, in a sense it's what powers Green Lantern's power to confront and battle those villains across DC Comics and the larger universe.
One of the most surprising developments in Green Lantern News has been a shift in power over the Green Lantern Corps, under a leader known as Thaaros, who is in a constant quest for domination and to change how those rings are assigned.
With these changes, the Green Lantern Power Ring has lost its primary directive: selecting those with the greatest willpower. Green Lantern's power has been subject to change as Thaaros, as the new ruler of this group, has used a strategic, ruthless strategy. He uses persuasion to seek out those who may be manipulated and who could serve his goals, rather than serving the overall purpose of a Green Lantern. It is an important development - as this could cause an internal conflict with those Green Lanterns who were once aligned with those core values and a series of ideals. Fans might also find these developments particularly compelling - especially when taking a look at recent releases like those in Green Lantern.