In the realm of Star Wars, Grand Moff Tarkin is known as a prominent figure within the Imperial Navy and as one of the most feared military leaders - a highly capable commander known for wielding his immense authority, specifically as a military officer during the Clone Wars, where he even earned a remarkable position within the Empire.
Tarkin’s influence extended to several key aspects of the Empire. His decisions as an Imperial leader (who was once given a seat on the Imperial Council), even played a significant role during a major, early conflict, the destruction of Alderaan - this was one of the defining moments in the original trilogy, where Tarkin death ultimately took place when the Death Star was destroyed. The character has become one of the most celebrated - often considered one of the greatest and most memorable figures - in Star Wars Canon, and many recognize just how impactful he has been, as his legacy remains.
While Grand Moff Tarkin has been celebrated as one of Star Wars most notable Imperial Fleet commanders, and has played a powerful role in the Empire’s initial dominance in Star Wars. There was always an antagonist: the Rebel Alliance who was committed to bringing an end to this rule. While Tarkin passed away in Star Wars: A New Hope - his legacy endured, especially given those characters - his protégé Ellian Zahra - who continued his mission.
With a series of events, including an intense fight at the Battle of Hoth, those characters within the Rebel Alliance did take a key step - defeating Ellian Zahra - as she refused to relinquish her mission - an objective that would see the Rebel Alliance destroyed. In doing so - the Rebel Alliance did put a stop to one of the last remnants of Tarkin's mission - to bring about a terrifying era of control over the galaxy and to ultimately ensure that those seeking freedom and democracy - would be defeated, as his vision had been.
The Death Star - a highly sophisticated super weapon that served as one of the Imperial Fleet's greatest achievements (a space station with the ability to fire an enormous weapon that can destroy a planet). It became a symbol of fear and tyranny.
The original Death Star was successfully destroyed by the Rebel Alliance during Star Wars: A New Hope - giving audiences a chance to see how those in rebellion had the strength to defeat one of the Empire’s most devastating weapons - that was designed to instill fear. Those fans of the series will be aware that the Imperial Navy would, in time, create a successor - a Second Death Star but one which was ultimately destroyed by those seeking to restore freedom.
The Rebel Alliance has grown as an influential movement for those who are seeking to combat the Empire and take a stand against the reign of terror. It has also served as the heart and foundation for the movement and was responsible for some of the most prominent battles and those important battles against Star Destroyer - a crucial element in those major military campaigns. Those seeking to join this cause had to work closely together and they had to find common ground.
There's a slew of characters within this organization that could be seen as critical: Luke Skywalker is one, he eventually becomes the heart of this rebellion - leading this mission of resistance - but many could consider Princess Leia, she also serves as an equally strong force, bringing an incredible sense of courage and leadership to the forefront as she brings this war for freedom to the galactic stage.
The best Star Wars experience can come in various orders. You could choose to watch them in the release order (which might give a glimpse at how the series developed), however, it might leave some audiences with some perplexing answers when it comes to understanding the story in its entirety.
One could opt for a timeline order (Star Wars release order ) which brings you a chronological viewing experience, offering viewers the story from a sequential perspective - It is highly suggested, as many Star Wars fans often recognize the importance of those key moments - one which includes those moments that helped set the stage for events in the prequels (Star Wars timeline order begins with Star Wars: Episode I – Phantom Menace, then the next film in the series, Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones - giving audiences an introduction to how a dark and dangerous Empire emerged).
The Imperial Fleet - the heart of the Empire and the driving force for spreading a rule of fear across the galaxy - was in many ways a major force.
The Empire's main ambition - one which made it one of the most important antagonists - was to overtake the Republic - an objective that was achieved at the end of the Prequel Trilogy and one that resulted in a major clash - an age of Star Wars where a power struggle ensued and the galaxy became a more dangerous, brutal place as those who followed the Republic sought to find peace, the Imperial Navy, its forces and the Death Star became one of the most imposing threats.