
Grand Inquisitor STILL Alive in Star Wars Sequels?! Theory Explained

Grand Inquisitor: Star Wars Universe Cursed Wraith

A fascinating hypothesis based on events in the Star Wars universe holds that the Grand Inquisitor—a powerful person noted for his search of Jedi during Empire rule—may linger even in the sequel era. The theory explores the fascinating destiny of the character and provides a perceptive analysis of the complex operations of the Force and the ongoing effect of the dark side.

The Dark Side Connections of the Grand Inquisitor

Originally looking after the Jedi Temple, the Grand Inquisitor gave in to the seduction of power and forbidden knowledge presented by Palpatine. He turned into a devoted servant to Darth Vader, guiding the Inquisitorius—a team assigned to wipe off any last Jedi. Though apparently defeated by Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus in the first season of "Star Wars Rebels," Marvel's canonical "Star Wars" #6 has a terrifying turn for his narrative.

Luke Skywalker's Spirit: Grand Inquisitor

The story opens with Luke Skywalker investigating an abandoned Jedi outpost following "The Empire Strikes Back." Unknowingly setting off a dark side trap, he confronts the Grand Inquisitor's corrupted spirit still bearing the marks of his fiery death in "Star Wars Rebels." This meeting reveals that, in a terrible turn of events, Darth Vader bound the Inquisitor's spirit to the outpost, turning him into a living trap for any searching Jedi knowledge.

Last Words of Darth Vader and the Fate of the Grand Inquisitor

Although the Grand Inquisitor's terrible life has been established canon since 2020, a major line spoken by Darth Vader suggests the likelihood of the Inquisitor's ongoing presence. Declaring that the Grand Inquisitor would "continue," Vader suggests he is caught in an endless prison unable of escape. Vader labels the Inquisitor a mere tool to serve the Sith even as he begs for freedom, rejecting his demand.

Sequel Era Potential of the Grand Inquisitor

This exchange with Darth Vader marks the Grand Inquisitor's last known appearance on the Star Wars chronology. This begs an important issue: could his spirit still be bound to the Jedi outpost on Tempes even in the course of the sequel trilogy and the emergence of the First Order? The story implies that the Grand Inquisitor's presence might extend into the sequel era, maybe resulting in future appearances on film or in the great body of Star Wars material.

Curse of the Grand Inquisitor and Death of Darth Vader

Death of Darth Vader could be the only way the Grand Inquisitor releases his curse. Still, this is conjecture since the Inquisitor's spirit vanished following "Star Wars" #6. According to the dominant view, the Grand Inquisitor stays bound to the outpost, allowing his possible reemergence in the future to pass through the door, so adding still another level of mystery to the rich tapestry of the Star Wars universe.

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