The Ultimate Universe version of Galactus is widely considered one of the most frightening beings in Marvel Comics. Known for its incredible abilities and as the Devourer of Worlds - it takes on a role that's distinct from those within the original Marvel Universe. This is particularly due to his unusual ability - and an essential power - as it is related to his swarm, Gah Lak Tus, that allows this version of Galactus to turn individuals, planets and the surrounding space into "zombies" - an element of Cosmic Horror.
Galactus was formed from an event known as "the Age of Ultron" that was designed to give audiences more insights as to how the Avengers were tasked to fight off a robot threat, as well as the creation of a new and darker world - an event that made this threat, and its incredible power to dominate other beings, so incredibly disturbing and, perhaps even frightening. As the Marvel Universe expands, it continues to show us those threats that make those within the Kree Empire and those powerful entities - like Galactus - such influential forces to be reckoned with. Those who have a preference for those "Nightmare Fuel" storylines - will certainly find that Galactus's abilities make him stand out as being incredibly powerful and incredibly dark, especially as his powers seem to continuously transform to be even more devastating and, even more terrifying - it even brings to mind Zombie Virus which appears as a staple in modern horror movies - a scary threat that has often been represented as being highly destructive.
As an amalgamation of a being - one that can combine the incredible strength of Ultimate Galactus (also considered to be a powerful figure, with a vast arsenal of abilities, making him a major villain), and his abilities, to turn organic beings into a form of zombies. The story often gives those who watch a disturbing take on what happens with Cosmic Horror, an event that transforms individuals, planets and, those in a galaxy into a different kind of existence, as this power and its influence takes hold, and allows it to gain an even stronger power. Those who follow the Marvel Universe are left wondering if there are any forces that could stop this cosmic threat - especially since it is one that seems unstoppable - its ability to control entire civilizations and enslave them - a gruesome and shocking moment to experience.
Fans may be aware of this power through those storylines centered on the Ultimate Universe, but the Marvel Universe (often considered to have a vast pantheon of heroes that have worked to prevent a threat like Galactus). This powerful evil god serves as a critical example of how even those considered to have great power can also be turned into a major threat. Gah Lak Tus, is often described as an immense danger that can not only cause incredible harm to those beings around it but can also leave the universe permanently damaged, as the entity's dominion is considered to be almost infinite - in a sense - this is also one of those powers that could transform entire galaxies in the Marvel Universe, making it one of those Nightmare Fuel stories.
The Devourer of Worlds is a critical, influential entity within Marvel Comics, serving as a Cosmic Horror figure that appears throughout their many publications, as Galactus is considered one of those most-powerful, formidable figures. It's hard to overlook his place as one of the greatest dangers.
This powerful being has a devastating set of abilities. He often has to consume entire planets. The universe is designed to have these powers in place. Galactus serves as a critical part of those events, especially when it comes to balancing an immense amount of power and, as one of the greatest dangers to the Marvel Universe. The Galactus power - often noted by the comic's producers - as it is one that is difficult to stop. These events can even be compared to the influence of an evil god, those entities that are unyielding and often driven to gain absolute dominion across the universe.
As one of the most formidable beings within the Marvel Universe, Galactus is often referred to as one of the most dangerous beings, and this can be attributed to those who are in awe of his power, as they witness his incredible achievements.
His powers are not only focused on consuming planets, but also it allows him to travel across space, bend reality at his will, and even take control over cosmic energies and make them serve as his allies. Those who encounter him (which may include some of those iconic Marvel Comics characters such as the Fantastic Four) will likely have a run for their lives. There’s no true understanding of just how this power will be depicted within those Marvel Universe films - but it is certain to be a visually striking and incredibly powerful moment as his appearance on the big screen. Galactus often takes on the role of the main antagonist in some of the most prominent Marvel Comics productions.
In addition to The Devourer of Worlds as an iconic character from the Marvel Comics, he has made a variety of appearances, even those that include the Ultimate Universe, a series of events designed to give readers a unique and compelling view of Marvel Comics that focuses on those elements - such as Gah Lak Tus. In these appearances - those within Marvel Comics are reminded just how dangerous Galactus can be - in terms of what is referred to as his power.
He is one of the main driving forces that help shape the world within Marvel Comics, often appearing as the most prominent antagonist that has to be faced down in a multitude of key stories - this has included those such as "Fantastic Four" and "Silver Surfer." While he is often seen as a force to be feared, Ultimate Galactus appears to take this concept to a whole new level. This has been largely attributed to his powers as his Galactus power is seen as being even more powerful and having a larger sphere of influence.
Gah Lak Tus has a disturbing history, and this origin gives us a new understanding of those powerful figures - The Kree Empire is known for being a force within the Marvel Universe as one of its great civilizations that often has had an immense influence. They were responsible for developing Gah Lak Tus . As those who read Marvel Comics may already know - Gah Lak Tus can be recognized for being a critical point - a crucial figure in their storylines.
There have been some arguments that the Kree developed Gah Lak Tus as a way to keep order in a turbulent galaxy, while they made their rise as a powerhouse civilization across several worlds and galaxies. Those in Marvel Universe will notice that it is difficult to discern exactly how Gah Lak Tus came to be, and if its creators - The Kree Empire - understood just how powerful their creation would become. The swarm, has proven to be one of the most destructive figures. They continue to be a significant part of Marvel Universe stories - making those interested in their Zombie Apocalypse storylines, an opportunity to find more examples that often serve as the darkest and, perhaps, most unsettling storylines for this popular comic series.