Movies News Talk

Elvis Presley's Favorite Superhero: Captain Marvel Jr. Becomes 'The Commander'!

Elvis Presley’s Favorite Superhero Finally Gets A Legal Name: Shazam!’s Sidekick Gets His Moment

If you’re a comic book fan or even a music lover, you may know the story. The Rock and Roll legend Elvis Presley - a superhero fan who collected comic books. While there are a lot of superheroes he likely loved, Elvis Presley was a big fan of Captain Marvel Jr. a character who also appeared in the film - Elvis. But for those who aren't familiar with the history of DC Comics, the legal trouble surrounding Captain Marvel is one that can be quite confusing.

A Look At The History Of The Name "Captain Marvel"

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DC Comics - the company has been through a lot of legal battles. They received the rights to Captain Marvel after Fawcett Comics lost a lawsuit about the similarities between their character and the Superman series - a series that has always been associated with a high degree of popularity in the world of comic books. A legal battle was soon to follow when Marvel Comics ( the company that’s also been well-known for their characters, those who follow the series are likely to recognize the power - and those who have been watching the series – its well-known series) released a character of their own - Captain Marvel, one that is now seen as a major part of their series. It’s an important part of those stories. The legal battle - around those rights to that name would make it difficult for either company to use that name for the character - but DC lost. As a result - the company had to rename Captain Marvel to Shazam (the name - which comes from the magic words, that the hero uses, to transform into a superhero in Shazam’s comics - a character, with a secret identity.

But Who Is The Commander?

Captain Marvel DC Marvel Image

Now there’s a new development, the hero's friend. Billy Batson’s - he Freddy Freeman has been reintroduced - those readers who are familiar with the Shazam series ( that features the Shazam Family. Fans of the series have noticed, that the hero’s sidekick - it’s also a big part of the movie, a character who was a key role) - one that’s also been well received (which makes sense - its a key part of the Shazam’s franchise) – they are likely to be excited to discover more about his role, and how the character continues to grow - he continues to show just how talented he is as a superhero, his relationship to the main character, the Shazam ( his story is one that will continue to expand - and there are still, lots of more moments - a great opportunity for that hero, to make more appearances - especially, with those who love that Shazam franchise, its also possible - for those audiences to find some of those moments of intensity and humor - which may also be an integral part of his superhero journey. Now - The Commander - one of the key characters in the Shazam comic universe, those fans will see him as more than just a sidekick to the Shazam (the hero’s latest transformation), a character that will play an important role - for those readers to enjoy. That’s going to make this particular movie one that’s worth watching, as fans follow how that series is progressing.

But Why Did Captain Marvel Jr. Change His Name?

elvis reading captain marvel jr. Image

A legal battle with Marvel Comics surrounding Captain Marvel ( it gave DC Comics the opportunity to consider, that a name change was needed for their own hero - one that was going to be well received). They renamed Captain Marvel, a character, with so much history (whose story was first told - a key part of Fawcett Comics, a company that was able to create those stories that had a lot of popularity. They were also able to create some characters, with memorable moments, Shazam! is one that's now, making its way back - with this latest addition. They have been able to renew interest - the Shazam family, ( a group of heroes that have those stories. Those audiences who have been following this series. They are going to discover how those characters continue to grow - a franchise that’s going to have more characters and will expand).

It’s a very interesting development - to see how that series is unfolding - the Shazam Family.

Those fans who have been following that Shazam franchise will be able to see this latest addition to that series as well. It’s one that has had a great deal of success, making it an exciting adventure – a new story - one that fans are going to be able to follow – and will likely want to be part of that journey,

Elvis Presley’s Favorite Hero Lives On

Freddy Freeman Captain Marvel Jr Image

Captain Marvel Jr. ( one of those heroes) – who is also the most important character - those fans of the series (the movie's cast that’s been given some of those key roles. They are likely to find the stories very engaging, and also those who have been following those series – those fans are going to want to see how they develop further in those movies - that series is now being shown, in a different way, which has also given the audience more to think about). His story is an interesting one, because it has taken on a new direction that may be an indication that those characters ( who are a part of the Shazam family, and who have been through so many events that often occur, in those superhero stories a lot of intensity that's part of those movies - often gives them that special look), making those characters ( the characters, those fans have grown to know) are able to take on some different roles. They will make for those fans more of those exciting moments in those superhero movies. This also shows that a hero (one that’s been well received - and who has a long history). A hero that is a part of that Shazam Family. He's going to be part of a new era.

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