The Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool, is renowned for his sarcastic comedy and apparently unwavering confidence. His superhuman healing factor has allowed him to smile through many dangers and death itself. One villain, Death Grip, actually scares him, though.
Taskmaster, Deadpool's friend, meets Death Grip, a strong opponent with the Muramasa Blade—a magical weapon able to neutralize Deadpool's healing factor—in Deadpool #4. Deadpool's immortality is truly threatened by this special power, a concern he has never known before.
Death Grip is a special and horrible threat since he can disable Deadpool's healing factor. Deadpool's wounds remain open with every slice of the Muramasa Blade, thus he is vulnerable and must consider death as a real threat. From the carefree, irreverent mercenary into a terrified and vulnerable man, Deadpool's newly discovered sensitivity causes him anxiety never experienced before.
Though Deadpool's fear of Death Grip stems from the villain's capacity to kill him, it transcends a basic fear of death. It ties to a major turning point in Deadpool's life—the finding of his daughter Ellie.
With her enhanced awareness and inherited healing factor, Ellie gives Deadpool cause to live. Fearing the danger his life would bring her, he had earlier driven Ellie and her mother away. Now, though, he sees a chance to start a family and have cause to defend someone he genuinely loves. Death first starts to seem as a terrible possibility since it would deny him the priceless link he has developed with Ellie.
This anxiety of Death Grip and the idea of death deviates greatly from Deadpool's past mindset. Often inspiring strong villains for the excitement, he once reveled in the anarchy and danger. His unflinching confidence in his healing factor was demonstrated by his readiness to smile as he faced death.
Having Ellie has fundamentally changed Deadpool. He is no more the heedless mercenary that welcomes death. He is a protector, a father, and someone yearning a life free from the continual threat of death. The prospect of death is a real and terrible one thanks to this increased responsibility and love.
Death Grip's arrival and later change in Deadpool's demeanor signal a turning point in his character arc. He is a character struggling with fear, responsibility, and the possibility of losing something he very values, not only a force of anarchy.
Deadpool's future actions and choices will probably be driven by his fear of Death Grip and his need to save Ellie, so generating fresh dynamics and challenges in his contacts with other heroes and villains. His vulnerability and anxiety stand in sharp contrast to his past self, suggesting a more nuanced and complicated character going ahead.