Movies News Talk

Deadpool's Daughter Takes the Mantle: Will Ellie Be the New Merc with a Mouth?

Deadpool: An Anti-Hero's Complex Legacy

Deadpool has become one of the most notable figures in Marvel Universe for his combination of irreverent humor and deadly skill. He's been a force in the world of comics – the Merc with a Mouth who’s known for his deadly actions - a character that’s gained recognition, and one that’s become one of those characters – a household name for fans of the comic universe. His popularity has increased in recent years, particularly with his latest movies. He continues to appeal to those who enjoy the action - those who watch the movies - they can see that Deadpool - a character with those skills who is able to make people laugh - it’s part of what’s so entertaining about this character. This is also one of the key elements that is part of his appeal - his Healing Factor that has given those audiences, the chance to see how he might heal. He has had a number of those roles, – both as an X-Men villain – a role that's been played in a number of those comic book series – also, those who enjoy reading about this character. He’s made a major appearance in some of the most recent Marvel Universe Comics.

In Deadpool #6 those who are reading the latest comic series – they will be introduced to, a surprising twist. With the death of Wade Wilson, his successor is being given the mantle of Deadpool. That successor is none other than his daughter Ellie, the comic books tell those fans, of the history behind this character and those who have followed those characters. – they know that Wade Wilson - a character that's often associated with the dark side of comics. It’s one of those moments in a movie that makes you want to know, the character and just how much he was invested in his daughter's life.

Can Deadpool's Daughter Embrace Her Legacy?

deadpool bans his daugher from killing Image

There is a question about just how Ellie will be able to cope with those roles – her own role in those series - and she's going to have to face some new challenges. Her own history - that will also play out in the movie and as those fans will discover, her backstory. This will be interesting. Her relationship with her father, one that’s been shaped by those events - the death of Wade Wilson, those fans who are familiar with Deadpool. - they have noticed the impact those moments can have on characters and also those fans will also be eager to see those scenes.

With the passing of the mantle - to his daughter, Wade is looking to have an impact on those fans – he is making it very clear. His role as a mentor a figure that is still there for her, that’s going to give her that special and sometimes important connection with a parent (that’s been, through some rough patches and that's given, those characters some key insights), in addition to his relationship with his daughter. He will continue to have a lot of influence on her career, as an antihero, one who’s known to have a bit of fun with his work, he’s been a key figure – that will help her grow, and those audiences will be eager to find more, and as fans watch how she does. She's going to be facing a new challenge – her ability to balance her role as a hero and also a role that requires her to take action and to protect those around her.

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