Tom King on What Set Wonder Woman Apart from Batman and Superman?

The knowledge of Wonder Woman's position as the anti-establishment pillar of DC's Trinity — a necessary counterbalance to Superman and Batman – then affected Tom King's direction of his present continuous run with the hero.

Speaking with Screen Rant, Tom King provided a thorough analysis of his method of creating Wonder Woman, the first phase of which he characterized as determining what made the character unique from DC's other two most recognized, most potent characters, the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight. King found himself in a particularly unique position to probe fundamental concerns regarding the nature of all three since he had already written both characters. As he says:

DC Writer Shows the Radical Difference Wonder Woman Has from Batman and Superman

Superstar DC writer Tom King provides the ideal justification for Wonder Woman's distinction from her contemporaries in what is sometimes known as "DC's Trinity," Superman and Batman. Although the three have many great heroic qualities, King notes that Diana's persona stands apart from Bruce and Clark in one main way: Wonder Woman is anti-establishment while both Superman and Batman support the current quo.

King discussed in an exclusive conversation with Screen Rant the several ways to provide the DC Universe justice, security, and order that inspire its leading characters. The author's present Wonder Woman run has placed his protagonist in conflict with the U.S. government, therefore his viewpoint on the character is especially perceptive for those trying to project the path his story would go.

The Brand of Justice Owned by Wonder Woman Functions Outside the System

Wonder Woman's approach to justice, emancipation, and process will transcend any system of institution, not even the Justice League, and her DC Trinity partners Superman and Batman.

The villain of Tom King's Wonder Woman has thus thus all possessed power and influence, in one form or another. From the returning Sargeant Steel to the recently added Sovereign to the U.S. government itself, every challenge Diana has encountered has advanced the fundamental ideas of King's narrative. He expanded on this to Screen Rant, saying:

As Wonder Woman challenges the Amazo-N!, Amanda Waller's battle against Metahumans is fully under way in DC's big summer storyline, Absolute Power.

King says Diana Prince is "a rebel in a way [Batman and Superman] aren't," which defines her function as a Justice League mainstay and A-list DC hero in an interesting new perspective.

King spoke about the several ways to provide the DC Universe with justice, security, and order that inspire its major characters in an exclusive conversation with Screen Rant. The author's present Wonder Woman run has placed his protagonist in conflict with the U.S. government, therefore his viewpoint on the character is especially perceptive for those trying to project the path his story would go.

What Makes Wonder Woman Different?

The knowledge of Wonder Woman's position as the anti-establishment pillar of DC's Trinity — a necessary counterbalance to Superman and Batman – then affected Tom King's direction of his present continuous run with the hero.

Speaking with Screen Rant, Tom King provided a thorough analysis of his method of creating Wonder Woman, the first phase of which he characterized as determining what made the character unique from DC's other two most recognized, most potent characters, the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight. King found himself in a particularly unique position to probe fundamental concerns regarding the nature of all three since he had already written both characters. as he said:

The Wonder Woman

Diana, Princess of the Amazons's superhero alterative is Wonder Woman. Designed on the island of Themyscira, Wonder Woman is a super-powered demi-goddess with great physical strength who uses magical abilities—like her well-known Lasso of Truth—to subdue her enemies. Though as strong as her fellow heroes, Superman and the Justice League, Wonder Woman is unparalleled in her integrity and compassion.

Her past is long and rich. From comics to films to television shows, Wonder Woman has been portrayed in many different media. For women all across, she now also represents justice, hope, and fortitude. Wonder Woman has undergone numerous changes throughout the years, but her fundamental nature has stayed the same: she is a champion of truth and justice always eager to fight for what is right.