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DC vs. Vampires: World War V #3 - Black Adam, Raven, & Wonder Girl Team Up!

Get ready for a wild ride, folks! The Teen Titans are back, and this time, they're darker, grittier, and way more powerful than ever before. This isn't your grandma's team of teenage superheroes; this is a whole new ballgame.

A New Team, A New Threat

In DC vs. Vampires: World War V #3, from DC Comics, we see a team-up that nobody saw coming! It's a dark twist on the classic Titans roster. The unholy trinity of Black Adam, Raven, and Wonder Girl—a team-up fueled by vengeance and, you guessed it, vampirism.

This vampiric trio forms in the wake of some pretty serious events that went down in the first two issues of this wild series. Remember how Damian Wayne offed the Vampire Queen Barbara Gordon and nearly lost his mom to Wonder Woman in the ensuing chaos? Yeah, this team is here for a little payback, a supernatural version of "settling the score."

Also Read: Who Will Win This Epic Battle of the Minds in Titans—Nightwing Against Raven?

The Unexpected Team Leader

DC vs Vampires World War V #3 Raven Black Adam Wonder Girl Image

The dynamics are seriously interesting! Even more unique is the way the group is set up.

In this team of the undead, Black Adam clearly leads the pack, as he takes on this unique team.

  • He takes charge, even showing just how powerful this antihero truly is!
  • Raven and Wonder Girl support from slightly behind.

What's especially unexpected is Black Adam. Normally a lone wolf in the main continuity and a generally stand-alone antihero character, in this twisted version of events he steps up as a team player!

Also Read: Damian Wayne's First Robin Costume: Alfred Pennyworth's Impact on Batman's Son

How Did They Survive?

DC vs Vampires World War V #3 Raven Black Adam Wonder Girl 2 Image

Before you ask, I know, how the heck are these three still alive? Didn't they bite the dust in earlier issues? Let’s unpack it.

  • Raven got a serious bite in issue #7! The sneaky Plastic Man. turned her into one of the undead!
  • Many fans thought that Black Adam had actually been killed way back in issue 10—flamed to a crisp with the help of Starfire's attack, and tossed into the Gotham River. Seems like this doesn't make it quite as easy, right?
  • Then we've got Wonder Girl! In issue #12 Duke Thomas blows himself up as well as Wonder Girl.

Seems that near-death experiences don't really kill these characters, so you might have expected something truly spectacular. And in a big twist they show back up.

Also Read: Raven's Dark-Winged Queen: The Ultimate Threat in Titans!

Batwoman's Sacrifice:


This isn't going to be easy and fans will certainly wonder what's going on. If you weren't expecting the big twist you weren't alone. The undead Titans weren't really easy to defeat!

This latest issue brings some big stakes for Damian Wayne.

There's a powerful fight scene between them and our heroic antiheroes and one really sad, epic and heroic moment takes place!

  • In issue 3, Kate Kane, better known as Batwoman, makes a very serious and unexpected sacrifice in an effort to buy Damian Wayne time.
  • It works too as she sets off a massive UV flashbang that halts Black Adam, Raven, and Wonder Girl in their pursuit of the heroic Damian!

The fight has a truly unexpected twist though, because right as Damian is left wondering how this is going to go. It’s revealed that a masked, but unidentified figure comes to give some additional aid!

Also Read: Wonder Woman Turns Into a Vampire Queen in DC vs. Vampires: World War V

What's Next:

DC Vs Vampires world war v #3 batman robin Image

It's quite a sight to see the legendary Batman saving the day again. But who is this mysterious new figure and are they a new ally? What awaits is an amazing fight. With the powerful team of Black Adam, Raven, and Wonder Girl. This will show the true power in their vampiric powers versus the iconic superhero Batman. Get your hands on DC vs. Vampires: World War V #3 and see the intensity that unfolds!

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