The surprising comeback of Lobo's sidekick Dawg to DC Comics
Previously seen in comics at the side of Lobo, the Czarnian bounty hunter, Dawg—sometimes known as Mutt—has also made appearances in Although the source of this "sidekick" is unknown, Dawg is usually regarded as an alien dog based on his several strength and red eyes achievements. Lobo supporters appreciated Dawg's austere look, trademark bandage, and perseverance on working with Lobo despite the hunter's scant tolerance in return. Lobo dismisses Dawg as "his," during the course of their working relationship, until he kills him once and for sure to make absolutely clear.
Designed by renowned artists Keith Giffen and Alan Grant, Dawg initially surfaced in Simon Bisley, Lovern Kindzierski, Gaspar Saladino's _Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special 1_. Dawg has latched on a new master and established himself on their team before now. Before coming to Metropolis, Dawg most recently seen _Harley's Little Black Book 6_ by Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Simon Bisley. On Lobo's "date" with Harley Quinn, the three become stuck. Lobo tries the local flora's edibility on Dawg, to the great annoyance of the animal lover Harley. When they plummet from space, Dawg even catches her in his extending lower jaw. Dawg's inclination for the female anti-hero points to his likely performance under a somewhat more sympathetic commander.
Dawg: A Beloved '90s Sidekick Makes a DC Universe Return
'90s comics have tons of love, and this canine companion was most definitely one of them. Fortunately, he has unexpectedly returned to DCU!
Alert: Power Girl 9's spoilers
At DC Comics, the '90s are back in fashion, hence it's not surprising that Lobo's sidekick Dawg has at last returned to the DCU. Power Girl is trying to avoid something that looks like a dog when she meets Crush - Lobo's estranged daughter - during the Braniac raids on Metropolis. Based on his collar, Dawg presents a fresh interpretation of Lobo's cigar-smoking bulldog. Returning in Power Girl 9 by Leah Williams and Eduardo Pansica accompanying Crush throughout Metropolis immediately after a significant Czarnian onslaught, this fan-favorite sidekick Crush is trying to kick Dawg, who has been tracking her about since she arrived in Metropolis, when Power Girl finds her in the streets. This is consistent with Dawg's earlier behavior with Lobo, who separated himself from the trouble-making pet upon behavior calls for correction.
For the extraterrestrial pooch, this acrimonious relationship is thus a comfortable one; it's what he's seen in his friend. Dawg's negative assessment doesn't stop Crush from accompanying Power Girl against the invaders. Dawg starts the fight on Crush and the Holliday Girls' side right away. Power Girl 9 ties in with the main Superman Family crossover event, "House of Brainiac." Joshua Williamson and Rafa Sandoval's concurrent issues of Superman and Action Comics include the primary action.
Dawg's DC Comics Future: A New Partnership
Dawg joining Crush and Power Girl in a Czarnian-on-Czarnian bar brawl isn't a passing alliance. This struggle and Dawg's insistence on keeping Crush close point to a developing relationship between Lobo's estranged children and his former pet. Moreover, Crush's joining of the biker gang Holliday Girls, connected to Wonder Woman friend Etta Candy, suggests that viewers would likely see more of them going forward. Dawg's fresh allegiance to Crush marks legitimacy and links a venerable comic sidekick to a new hero. Lobo fans could expect more Czarnian drama ahead as Power Girl schemes a rescue of the Holliday girls alongside Crush and Dawg. Seeing who Dawg allies himself with and whether Crush runs across her deadbeat dad, Lobo, will be interesting. DC Comics currently publishes Power Girl 9.
Dawg: Legendary Sidekick Returns to DC Comics
Since his 1990s appearance, Dawg has been a frequent character in DC Comics; his comeback in Power Girl 9 is evidence of his ongoing appeal. Dawg's return to the DCU has much awaited fans, and his homecoming alongside Crush has generated a lot of buzz. The dynamic interaction of the character with Crush promises to be a source of interesting narratives and humorous events; his presence in the DCU gives the always growing world of DC Comics still another level of richness and mystery.
Looking Back at Dawg's DC Comics History