Goku and Bulma are iconic characters from the Dragon Ball franchise, but did a romance ever come close to being a reality? It seems the original editor for the Dragon Ball Manga might have liked it. It's certainly not the Goku Bulma Ship that fans are usually hoping for, and if it were a reality, it would be one of the wildest Dragon Ball Fan Theories.
Akira Toriyama, the author of Dragon Ball, isn't interested in seeing the relationship between Goku and Bulma in the Dragon Ball Canon. However, Toriyama's Dragon Ball Editor, Kazuhiko Torishima, felt differently about the pairing, also known as the "Goku/Bulma romance"! The pair has been a source of discussion within the Dragon Ball Fanbase! You'll see fan-fiction where fans play with an Dragon Ball Alternate Timeline of how a Goku and Bulma relationship could have looked!
In an unexpected Dragon Ball Behind the Scenes moment, the author, Akira Toriyama, shared the opinion that his editor, Torishima, loved "love and romance"! The series wasn't meant to go down that route. Dragon Ball Popularity grew as a series driven by action and incredible storylines rather than romantic pairings.
If Torishima's vision were to have come true, it would have significantly altered the Dragon Ball universe. Goku's relationship with Chi Chi was a source of many comedic moments and an aspect of his life that has defined his journey and Goku Character Development! Even Bulma's relationship with Vegeta played a significant part in his Bulma Character Development.
Be sure to keep an eye out! You can follow the Dragon Ball History to get details about Dragon Ball production, including how decisions made along the way impacted its storyline. Fans might find their own Dragon Ball What If scenarios about what could have happened to the Dragon Ball Anime, the manga, or the Dragon Ball Video Games!
While it doesn't seem like it's likely that Goku and Bulma will ever come together in the future of Dragon Ball. If you are a huge fan, you can find many examples of Goku Bulma Fanfiction. This could offer new insights into Dragon Ball relationships!
You can jump right into this exciting world! A great entry point is the Dragon Ball Manga! The Dragon Ball Impact on the entertainment world makes it one of the biggest titles ever! But if you'd rather start with an animated show, you can start with the Dragon Ball Anime! Be sure to check out the modern, super-popular series like Dragon Ball Super to discover amazing new story arcs!