The well-known manga and anime series Chainsaw Man has taken an unexpected turn in Part Two, presenting an option that could shift the course of events for both heroes and villains: the ability to undo Chainsaw Man's erasing power. Subtly revealed in Chapter #172, "Bzzz! Boom! Chomp!", this development has profound ramifications for both the future of humanity and the whole series.
The only objective of Yoru, the War Devil, is to bring back the global terror of war. She intends to accomplish this by tricking Chainsaw Man into expelling nuclear weapons—weapons he had already consumed—from his body. The key finding that Chainsaw Man's ability to erase anything he consumes can be undone is what makes this scheme work.
According to the most recent chapter, everyone on the planet lost their ears as a result of Chainsaw Man eating the Ear Devil. This seemingly insignificant element has significant ramifications, demonstrating that Chainsaw Man's power is truly reversible. If Yoru's theory is right, then the reappearance of many horrors, including nuclear weapons, could be brought about by Chainsaw Man's eating of other devils.
There are advantages and disadvantages to the possibility of undoing Chainsaw Man's erase power. It provides Yoru more power and a possible way to stop Chainsaw Man, but it also puts humanity at serious peril. The reintroduction of nuclear weapons and other long-lost ideas might have disastrous effects and possibly trigger the end of the world.
While all of this is going on, the Public Safety Devil Hunters are working hard to get the devils that Chainsaw Man ate back. They think that some of these devils could be helpful in the impending Death Devil battle. But their actions might unintentionally trigger the resurgence of grotesque creatures, which would make matters more complicated and uncertain.
Asa, Yoru's opposite and Denji's guardian, deepens the storyline even further. Her unrelenting will to preserve Denji can cause her to obstruct Yoru's efforts, putting the two sides at odds. Asa's actions might have serious consequences and endanger humanity's future as well as her safety.
This latest twist in the story reveals the real extent of Chainsaw Man's abilities. It has the ability to change reality itself, making it more than just a destructive force. This discovery creates a wealth of opportunities, indicating an exciting and uncertain future for the show.