Movies News Talk

Blade's Time on the Avengers: A Dark Knight's New Role

Why Did Blade Join The Avengers?

In the Marvel Universe, Blade has always been more known as a solo hero and it’s been made clear that his biggest weakness is his insistence on working alone. The event that would ultimately cause a shift in the way the hero, and those readers would come to view Blade is his time with The Avengers, this time period allowed him to take on a new role that would later make him a valued member of that team.

As the story continues to unfold, fans will continue to see just how this particular period would impact the hero, his ability to work with others. Blade will need to confront his past - that part of him who wanted to go it alone - if he’s going to become a stronger Avenger.

What Does Blade’s Past Mean To The Future of The Avengers?

Blade leaping into action, wielding his sword, surrounded by a swarm of bats. Image

Those looking to see just how the Avengers would manage those tragic events. In the world of Marvel and its characters those key events, the way those characters are connected and the ability for them to work together is something that fans will have a vested interest in: It's the moments in which those characters face off - with an ultimate result that brings a whole lot of drama and conflict.

Those events, they make the story, particularly when the story has such a powerful cast. There are many things that make The Avengers, a tale that fans will have a desire to see play out. In many instances – those characters who are featured in a universe - have been the heroes who've had to take on a great deal of responsibility. The events that shape the story often lead to a series of events, and confrontation.

What Did Blade Do To Earn The Title “Top Villain?”

Avengers #18, Hyperion flies through space toward the Earth, intending to destroy it Image

The Blood Hunt – a moment that would later become the series' pivotal turning point. Fans of The Avengers can see that it is an event that created a significant amount of conflict and turmoil: As the heroes worked to re-create the world they had fought to defend and a realm where the hero, who often works alone - faced a series of new challenges.

Blade’s run on the Avengers was filled with moments where his hero abilities and his strength were placed under scrutiny: This is because the hero had taken an interesting, unique approach - with those choices. This particular moment - that would become a huge departure - a key turning point - as the story would take a very unexpected direction.

Did The Avengers Ever Really Trust Blade?

Blade Avengers Image

In many instances the heroes of The Avengers have had to work together to defeat a powerful force, however there are those who often can’t fully Trust the others who are fighting by their side.

Fans of the series can discover those moments of Trust, that are key to how this story is going to move forward. The Avengers have a unique way of working with others and they’ve always had a very strong belief in their abilities. While they’ve also learned that trust - those moments of doubt – those key moments of decision-making can be vital in how they're going to handle these difficult situations.

Will The Other Avengers Turn On Blade?

With this turn of events in The Blood Hunt as the hero (Blade) had taken an unusual - and very controversial – path: The question is whether this particular choice would be one that makes him an outcast from the team.

There’s been a lot of debate among the fans. For some - Blade’s actions, are not an easy pill to swallow. But as the series unfolds - those fans who are following Blade’s journey: they'll see that there are a series of challenges that are awaiting this hero – as the story unfolds it's those events that could possibly lead to a great change, as the story unfolds.

Will Blade Stay On The Avengers?

Blade's journey as an Avenger continues to be an important, unique part of The Avengers and that’s because the hero has a strong - and a great sense of duty. Fans will discover that this series is going to explore that theme and, those decisions that are sometimes not an easy task to accomplish - to make sure they have the strength to take on those tough choices.

This particular journey is filled with those key events, and that's because this series has a unique way of blending reality and fantasy - and that's why this is a series that has a lot of appeal for those readers.

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