In an alternate continuity (a different timeline within the Marvel Universe) for Marvel Comics, a Black Panther appears to be one of the most powerful beings: one that has forged a special connection with a Venom symbiote. However, instead of being a "typical" Venom host , it's an unexpected character: Okoye. The story, set in the Marvel Multiverse, presents Wakanda (one of the strongest countries across the Marvel universe) as being an even more formidable force, a key event to explore within Venomverse: Rebirth.
The series shows Okoye who, as the Queen of Wakanda, is chosen as the next Black Panther. It's also notable that this "Venom" has a unique look as she is bound by this symbiote, showcasing how the Black Panther's costume is now fused with Venom's elements: Venom fangs protruding from her stomach and Black Panther technology combined into a unified Costume design that brings these characters together in an intriguing new style.
While there is no separate Black Panther Venom or Venom Black Panther, as standalone comics or series. Those following Marvel Comics and its ever-growing universe know that it is now taking on new events and Variants (in terms of design) to ensure that they stay relevant.
This is shown in the current storyline "Venomverse: Rebirth", in its latest release "Venomverse: Rebirth #4". It features Okoye who receives the Venom symbiote and becomes an essential force within Wakanda - the powerful nation of Black Panther.
In Marvel Comics, those who follow this superhero's lore, are aware of those Symbiotes that have long been a source for fascinating characters like Venom and those who take it on, the Venom hosts that appear within the Marvel universe.
This is often shown through Eddie Brock, the most notable Venom host - showcasing those symbiotes which can bond with other individuals to form powerful creatures (those creatures that have been able to bring a great sense of power to those wearing the Venom costume ) and these are capable of having a diverse set of abilities, with their Venom symbiote power giving a distinct edge - as they're often portrayed as being the strongest creatures within the universe, in particular when they use the Venom tongue.
The most recent iteration in Venomverse: Rebirth #4 showcases a unique Design as it gives a powerful Venom variant, one that blends the iconic Black Panther costume - showcasing those iconic aspects of both costumes - and how Okoye - now Black Panther, and wielding those Wakandan technology - has fused the two designs.
This also brings together several key details: It blends together the iconic Black Panther cowl, along with Venom's signature Venom fangs. This, of course, provides a very memorable style - in the latest issue from the Marvel Comics production.
Black Panther is a very popular character and a superhero, with countless versions, each serving as an interesting, engaging example of the Marvel Comics universe. It is particularly intriguing how there's been such a large assortment of Variants as creators have introduced new, powerful storylines - each featuring Black Panther's powerful energy and those events where he has served as an exceptional and inspirational figure, often representing his people in Wakanda.
The latest event, a Predator vs. Black Panther #1, is also a new Variant and is the main character. While Black Panther often is associated with Black Panther suit - the design, has seen new features that give a powerful blend - especially those that were highlighted in the latest event: an interesting take on the Black Panther design as it blended a black Predator's power - making the "Predator Black Panther" - a new blend in the Marvel Comics universe.
In Venomverse: Rebirth - which is also part of an ongoing story - those familiar with this universe, recognize the symbiote is often bound with the host through a process known as a Venom symbiote bond, which brings together those who wear this symbiote as well as those Venom hosts - like Eddie Brock - often seen with his iconic look, an example of how the Venom host appearance can often be noticeably different, as it often shifts.
It appears that the latest symbiote in "Venomverse: Rebirth" has an ability to bind those Venom hosts who have proven themselves worthy. However, a special process of acceptance must take place, especially considering that it does have the potential to overtake or influence that Venom host. Okoye's bond (Black Panther Venom) takes on a different meaning - as she seeks an equal partnership. However, that doesn't come without consequences, and as those following Venom as well as Black Panther's storyline in Marvel Comics, know how those Symbiotes can often change their hosts completely - it can even affect how they appear.