
Batman Foresaw Nightwing Leading the DC Universe Years Ago - Here's How

Batman foretells Nightwing guiding the Justice League Years Before Asking Him.

Dick Grayson was still Robin as Batman brought him on the first mission alongside the Justice League years before he became Nightwing. The JLA chooses to look into a Fortean phenomenon occurring worldwide, therefore triggering a Crisis-level fight. The League meets Robin right before, and understandably they are concerned about putting a youngster into combat. But not only does Robin show to be shockingly effective and helpful throughout the fight, but every Leaguer develops a fondness for Dick Grayson right away.

Early indicators of the qualities Dick Grayson would be world-renowned for as Nightwing—qualities that would define him as the face of the DCU— abound. Among these qualities are nearly instantaneous likability and inspirational ability for everyone when the time calls for it. Dick is able to create the Nightwing Family with such a broad spectrum of allies from all around the DC Universe not only people he knows through Batman by being so likeable. Nightwing brings something to every dynamic he encounters, even a squad that (in childhood) is still several levels above him. Nightwing gives any dynamic he encounters something, even a squad that (as a child) is still worlds above him.

Why would Nightwing Worthy be suitable to lead the Justice League?

Fast forward: DC Comics starts an event on Infinite Earths that formally marks the start of the next DCU period some years after this comic is published. Even more so when Pariah and Deathstroke intend to cover the planet in actual darkness, the weight of the world falls on Nightwing's shoulders to continue the torch they left behind at a time when the Justice League are considered dead. Nightwing brings the troops together as he always does and saves the planet even if Deathstroke becomes the ultimate villain.

Available now both digitally and in collected editions from DC Comics, Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths is, in name and story, an homage and sequel to 1985's legendary Crisis on Infinite Earths by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez. Though nervous, Dick, Robin, was fast to adjust with the Justice League and proved to be crucial in saving the planet. Perfecting his best qualities as a commander, Dark Crisis as Nightwing puts them to use leading the cavalry at the end of the world amid another crisis-level conflict. The Justice League chooses to stop activities when the JLA returns, but not without luring Nightwing offering to lead a new Justice League.

The relationship between Batman and Nightwing has withstood time.

Nightwing turns down the offer, but it's crucial to remember Batman is the one personally making the offer on League behalf. Batman is the one who gets Dick Grayson to believe in himself as a leader, therefore transcending the mere relevance of Nightwing's climb up the DC ladder being predicted. One has to grasp the essence of the connection between Batman and Nightwing as a whole before exploring further the significance of that restriction.

Nightwing elected to re-form his long-time team, the Titans, instead of commanding the Justice League; readers may view this in the first arc of Tom Taylor and Nicola Scott. To say the least, Nightwing and Batman have had a rollercoaster relationship with more downs than ups; so, the dynamic between this team is more turbulent than readers usually allow for. Bruce Wayne first brought Dick in as his ward and sidekick, and things were bright. But in due time, particularly when Batman had to fire his first Robin after he was shot, that dynamic rapidly become complex. Dick then seemed to be always trying to prove he is equal to his mentor, often putting them at conflict once he turned Nightwing. Whether Dick realized it or not, Batman always believed in the latter for all the times they butted heads. Batman would often treat Dick somewhat too harshly, even occasionally beating him and throwing him down. Batman can treat his sidekicks too cruelly, truthfully, but occasionally that cruelty exists to drive the Bat-Family toward their best possible future. One excellent illustration of that is Robin's first Justice League assignment.

Batman Always Thought in Nightwing.

When the Justice League first meets Robin, understandably they are dubious about whether a youngster should be on duty at all, let alone accompanying for a Crisis-level fight. But Robin shows the League something during the fight. Batman is the only one not seeming astonished. Batman sensed something in Robin that not even Robin could see in herself - this assignment was Batman's method of attempting to convince Dick to see it in himself, despite how fresh Robin was to superhero responsibility at the moment.

It's arguable if Batman is pushing Dick to realize his potential or if Dick is realizing his potential because Batman is pushing him. Actually, Batman has the foresight to see that possible years before Dick hits his peak. Batman's sidekicks show brilliance even if he may not have the best record as a mentor or dad. He pushes to get his family to the level they need to be even if he pushes too much. Possibly because he believes in them enough to believe they can handle it, even if it's a rookie's first Crisis-level incident, Batman puts sidekicks like Robin in scenarios like this to make them ready for the future. One may contend that Batman's thrusting Dick Grayson into a high-stress, Crisis-level scenario like this exactly what ready him to lead the DC Universe to triumph during the scenario at the core of Dark Crisis. Batman drove Dick Grayson to really believe in himself, therefore Nightwing rose to the call.

Nightwing: DC Comics' Legacy of Leaders

Dick Grayson adopted the superhero name Nightwing after aging out of the Robin post and assuming his own superpowers. Inspired by the same-named original Kryptonian hero, Grayson has ascended to comic book immortality with the persona and gained respect as one of the DC Universe's most outstanding leaders. Currently leading the DC Universe as its main star is Nightwing; but, his climb up the mountain was predicted long before the present DCU surfaced. After DC's Dark Crisis incident in 2022, Nightwing stood tall in the aftermath by taking front stage in DC Comics' new multiverse. Ever since, he has been guiding the following generation of superheroes and has boldly safeguarded the DC Universe.

While Nightwing received the spotlight as DC's greatest hero in 2022, eight years earlier, Dick Grayson was first foreshadowed as DC's future leader in 2016's Justice League #51 by Dan Abnett, Paul Pelletier, Sandra Hope, Adriano Lucas, and Carlos M. Mangual. Batman said while Robin was him that not only would Dick join the JLA one day but he would lead it. This comes several years before Batman asks Nightwing to lead a new JLA in Dark Crisis. Not only was the Prime Earth period ahead of the curve, but most crucially, Batman was as well.

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