Based on Rhodey Rhodes, sometimes known as War Machine, Armor Wars is a future MCU film where he seeks to protect Tony Stark's legacy by stopping his Iron Man tech from ending in the wrong hands. It draws on the same-name comic book plot.
Inspired by current Invincible Iron Man books, the MCU is developing a fresh approach on Armor Wars. The film will probably see War Machine gathering a squad of villains to battle against a bigger threat using Iron Man's tech for bad reasons instead of Iron Man embarking on a solo quest to destroy stolen equipment.
The modular suit Iron Man's new "Improvised Iron Man" will be always changing. This suit will probably be important in Armor Wars, particularly since it symbolizes Tony Stark's continuous legacy and how both good and evil may be derived from it.
With new Iron Man-quality armor, the story notes that villains like Whiplash, Justin Hammer, Vulture, and Mac Gargan (aka the comic Scorpion) could show up in Armor Wars. This would be a great approach to bring back these characters and provide them an other perspective on their talents.
The comic series Invincible Iron Man investigates the ideas of legacy and atonement in a way that renders War Machine the ideal protagonist for Armor Wars. It demonstrates how War Machine is using stolen technology to battle a more general evil and make atonement to people who have been mistreated rather than demolishing it. This creates a far more gripping and emotionally relevant narrative.
The gang of villains-turned-heroes from War Machine demonstrates how the MCU is ready to explore uncharted ground and take calculated chances. Seeing the MCU embrace a more complicated and nuanced approach to character development and conflict and stretching its narrative outside the conventional hero vs villain narrative excites me.