The Alien Franchise is colliding with Earth's Mightiest Heroes in the Marvel Comics Crossover, Aliens vs. Avengers! Get ready for an epic clash between heroes and deadly, Hybrid Xenomorphs!
In the newest Marvel Comics issue, Avengers Comic Book faces a truly terrifying Apocalypse Monster, the Alien Franchise's Hybrid Xenomorph. In this alternate universe, Miles Morales faces an intense challenge, even though the Avengers vs Alien storyline includes many heroes!
There are many Alien Comic Books but this one is particularly fascinating. The story takes inspiration from the classic sci-fi horror films, but it introduces new events with Avengers vs Alien!
Get ready to be scared! A bioweapon unleashes terrifying Hybrid Xenomorphs on the planet Earth! This threat spreads fast, as these aliens threaten all human civilization! It's truly unsettling. The events unfold in a future where humanity has expanded to new galaxies and planets.
The iconic Weyland Corporation is a part of this crossover. It makes a very clear connection between Alien Comic Book and Avengers Comic Book, reminding fans about the franchise! It plays a critical role in defending those who have survived the Hybrid Xenomorph attack, offering sanctuary to some!
The Avengers vs. Alien comic book has already dropped! Be sure to search for Aliens vs. Avengers #1.
While we might see this comic have lasting impact on Marvel Comics with additional appearances and storylines. Fans of Marvel Comics could even see the Alien Franchise have additional cameos or storylines! It's going to be amazing to see the full impact.