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Absolute Batman #1 Review: Darkseid's Twisted Gotham - DC's Absolute Universe

Darkseid's Reign of Terror: DC's Absolute Universe Gets Dark and Gritty!

Absolute Batman #1: A Bloody Good Look at Darkseid's New World!

Hold onto your capes, comic fans! DC's new Absolute Universe is here, and it's a whole lot darker than you might expect. Absolute Batman #1 (by Scott Snyder, art by Nick Dragotta, colors by Frank Martin, and lettering by Clayton Cowles) gives us our first glimpse at this messed-up world, controlled by the big bad himself, Darkseid. We are talking insane levels of violence that wouldn't even seem remotely possible! The sheer horror conveyed here is actually terrifying.

Darkseid's quest for ultimate power has created a Gotham where the crime rate's a mind-blowing 700% higher! It gets worse as we discover how completely messed up Gotham is – we are going into a situation where intense levels of violence happen everywhere. DC All In Special #1 shows us how Darkseid went totally bonkers after the multiverse got sealed, and that intense hatred fueled a powerful reaction which results in his concentrated energy impacting this totally unique, alternate universe! We're not kidding, his insane level of hatred affects almost everything here.

Also Read: Darkseid's New Form: Spectre-Infused Terror in DC Comics

Meet the Absolute Batman: A Bruised and Battered Dark Knight!

Absolute Batman #1 feature image variant cover Image

This is no ordinary Gotham. We see it first from Alfred Pennyworth's (MI6 agent) perspective; his investigations into the Party Animals, (this really nasty terrorist gang responsible for an intense wave of crime), makes this scene truly effective.  But there is a problem; a very serious and unexpectedly dangerous individual: That incredibly ruthless, super violent Batman.

The entire setting and environment is established to demonstrate this horrific change! Mayor Gordon's town hall meeting getting shot up by the Party Animals—only saved by this insanely ruthless Batman (that crazy brutal fight! He literally uses an axe from his chest-plate, cutting off a criminal’s hand!). Alfred, investigating this insane situation, tracks Batman (our very own Bruce Wayne, now dealing with having witnessed and having lost a loved one to gun violence as a young boy, totally reshaping his character. His brutal methods? Necessary to survive.

Also Read: Superman's New Powers: How He Took Down Darkseid and Changed the DC Universe

Darkseid's Dark Mark on Reality: How He Changed the DCU


This world is totally messed up due to Amanda Waller's earlier actions (in Absolute Power) she took down the superhero community with her boosted Amazos. When Flash seals the multiverse; resulting in a separated DC Universe (in Absolute Power #4) This becomes one massive event; because, Darkseid's reaction changed the direction of reality.

Darkseid, going bananas; creates this Miracle Machine to use the power of the Spectre! After his separation (at Justice League headquarters) results in unleashing immense, world-altering amounts of energy and power which then reshapes an entire reality which now results in a total overhaul for an otherwise simple and unique universe which results in the terrifying alternate universe portrayed here.

This power alters everything, impacting Gotham. And although the DC heroes appear; including our Absolute Batman, and even Superman and Wonder Woman are hinted at later – they are way more intense and morally ambiguous here.

Also Read: DC Writer Shares the Special Approach Wonder Woman Uses Different From Batman and Superman.

Absolute Batman #1: The Perfect Beginning to this Terrifying Saga

Darkseid in Comic Art by Jason Fabok Image

Before Absolute Batman #1 fans might have wondered just how messed up Darkseid's universe might be; the anticipation is extremely apparent here and those earlier teases do set the stage, although, many were expecting something really profound.

Yet it isn't a tease, the entirety of Absolute Batman #1 is designed to emphasize this world's dark essence, the complete evil pervading within. That grim, hopeless vibe—the chaotic violence pervades almost every part of Gotham.  Even our Batman is changed. He is more brutal here, and even has those key trauma experiences which drive that dark determination even further – he remains recognizable. But far, far different.

Also Read: Batman's New Space Armor: Powerful Enough to Beat Darkseid?

Hope Will Triumph, Despite the Dark!

Darkseid wanted to create something entirely terrible. That vision? A world ruled by darkness. But this initial look at the Absolute Universe shows how surprisingly resilient those heroic elements within the DCU actually are. This doesn't change this intense and bleak backdrop presented in Absolute Batman #1. It also provides that needed glimpse of how those iconic characters remain remarkably steadfast amidst those dire events which is essential and highly praised.

Conclusion: The Fight for Hope Begins in the Absolute Universe

Absolute Batman #1 shows why this DC initiative excites everyone. It's intensely dark. Grim. Yet thrilling. The intense violence that happens everywhere really gets your adrenaline going; this is not the DC Universe you are expecting, however this totally brutal depiction doesn't mean all hope has disappeared. Batman (along with other heroes to follow in other upcoming releases) is already there.   That iconic hero and those legendary symbols within DC represent an unyielding battle of will, of resistance – the will to survive. A really gripping opening which gets you thinking, really.

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