Ultimates #6: A Bold Prediction – Is Iron Man About to Bite the Dust?!
Marvel's new Ultimates series is about to drop a bombshell! The publisher revealed that this relaunched Ultimate Marvel continuity will lose a major character by the end of its debut arc, and I'm calling it now: It's going to be Iron Man, Tony Stark. Ultimates #6 (written by Deniz Camp, art by Juan Frigeri) sets up this intense battle between this brand-new team against that extremely dangerous, highly imposing villain, Ultimate Hulk.And the preview forUltimates #7 promises a heroic death during this very encounter.
WhyIron Man? That's exactly the kind of wild twist that would work; especially when we also realize just how massive this reboot is; It is completely new and changes the very origin story and relations that shape these characters – yet perfectly maintaining that original essence and iconic moments; this new character would appeal to newer readers without completely alienating older fans who already know these extremely iconic moments well, adding another clever strategy that keeps newer fans while retaining older ones.
Before even presenting any arguments, some important clarifications are needed. Predicting thatIron Lad(this series' version of Tony Stark) will die is wild, mostly because a massive amount of development had been used on this character’s arc! This extremely important role is what makes this prediction even more unlikely. AndDeniz Camp'snewUltimateshas emphasized Iron Lad as the main character, that amazing focal point and leader of the team! Why mess with this kind of successful and promising setup?
Yes, losing a huge character would completely shift those reader expectations in ways impossible without actually sacrificing someone with enough weight in their lore. That would be what would shift that attention and momentum for any readers who might still wonder why this particular setup even makes sense. But killing off someone key, a core leader character like Iron Lad? That changes things dramatically! It really focuses the reader’s attention in profound and surprisingly easy ways!The immense loss becomes that point that makes everyone focus forward! So while it is unexpected, and quite an extremely large change– it is also the best method to change those aspects in which people did not think these kind of changes should even be made!
Here is the argument: theUltimatesare a new team, banding together under impossibly tough situations! The way this new Ultimatesis framed– especially as noted by Marvel’s official marketing descriptions and descriptions— shows a heroic team that unites to defeat an impossibly powerful enemy. The intense focus surrounding Iron Lad as the leader– and driving force in this initial arc– would easily justify killing him; it demonstrates to fans the overall level of danger these characters really exist within. Almost every hero in this iteration's entire power comes fromTony Stark– his death would be immensely impactful – far bigger than anything possible from another member’s death.
Here is what killing offIron Ladwould accomplish:
A hero dying? It doesn’t mean a character is permanently out, and those kind of conclusions are something frequently debated on.Yet this kind of detail doesn’t need permanent consequences! That entire moment is powerful. It’s all about the moment— creating that incredibly powerful reaction, one that could actually leave many people deeply moved, impressed and profoundly impacted and this intense storytelling should not be undervalued.
This also takes advantage of Ultimate Universe'stime-travel and timeline aspects—a simple resurrection plot point remains highly plausible.
KillingUltimate Iron Manis a gamble– a risky storytelling decision— which should however result in something much, much bigger: that surprising death completely shifts everyone's focus. It elevates this Ultimate Universe– showing this truly new continuity as truly unlike any of what's been seen! If this creative gamble is properly executed, with an appropriately devastating death scene, this will prove this choice was correct; especially when noting this as yet another method of building intensity, drawing audiences in with creative choices. And we’ll all be completely, utterly hooked, by a gamechanging moment; especially regarding what these consequences ultimately imply!